Thursday, May 31, 2012

Real ID Act Could Make One Feel Like a Prisoner in America :

?Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark. In the hopeless swamps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all, do not let the hero in your soul perish and leave only frustration for the life you deserved, but never have been able to reach.

The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours,? Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged.

Not even Rand or science fiction writers could have really predicted what our nation would become, ultimately causing our fire to slowly be extinguished.

With the recent rise of?TSA VIPR teams,?drones,?Homeland Security pamphlets?(which reveal who allegedly is a terrorist based on some?incredibly frivolous assumptions) and laws that have increased the government?s ability to track individuals on a whim without probable cause, it seems to me all these are leading to the mechanical hound in Fahrenheit 451.

On July 1, residents of Georgia will have new driver?s licenses requirements that will be in accordance of the Real ID Act of 2005.

According to Georgia?s Department of Driver Services these are the new conditions:

The aforementioned may seem reasonable, but there is more than meets the eye.

You are probably now wondering what the Real ID Act really is.

The Real ID Act failed to pass in 2004, however, the legislation was tacked on to the 2005 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Defense, the Global War on Terror and Tsunami Relief, leading to its eventual passage.



In this title, the following definitions?apply:

(1) DRIVER?S LICENSE- The term `driver?s license? means a motor vehicle operator?s license, as defined in section 30301 of title 49, United States Code.

(2) IDENTIFICATION CARD- The term `identification card? means a personal identification card, as defined in section 1028(d) of title 18, United States Code, issued by a State.

(3) OFFICIAL PURPOSE- The term `official purpose? includes but is not limited to accessing Federal facilities, boarding federally regulated?commercial?aircraft, entering nuclear power plants, and any other purposes that the Secretary shall determine.

(4) SECRETARY- The term `Secretary? means the Secretary of Homeland Security.

(5) STATE- The term `State? means a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and any other territory or possession of the United States.


(a) Minimum Standards for Federal Use-

(1) IN GENERAL- Beginning 3 years after the date of the enactment of this division, a Federal agency may not accept, for any official purpose, a driver?s license or identification card issued by a State to any person unless the State is meeting the requirements of this section.

(2) STATE CERTIFICATIONS- The Secretary shall determine whether a State is meeting the requirements of this section based on certifications made by the State to the Secretary. Such certifications shall be made at such times and in such manner as the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, may prescribe by regulation.

(b) Minimum Document Requirements- To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall include, at a minimum, the following information and features on each driver?s license and identification card issued to a person by the State:

(1) The person?s full?legal?name.

(2) The person?s date of birth.

(3) The person?s gender.

(4) The person?s driver?s license or identification card number.

(5) A digital photograph of the person.

(6) The person?s address of principle residence.

(7) The person?s signature.

(8) Physical security features designed to prevent tampering, counterfeiting, or duplication of the document for fraudulent purposes.

(9)?A common machine-readable technology, with defined minimum data elements?(bolded for emphasis).

(c) Minimum Issuance Standards-

(1) IN GENERAL- To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall require, at a minimum, presentation and verification of the following information before issuing a driver?s license or identification card to a person:

(A) A photo identity document, except that a non-photo identity document is acceptable if it includes both the person?s full?legal?name and date of birth.

(B) Documentation showing the person?s date of birth.

(C) Proof of the person?s?social security?account number or verification that the person is not eligible for a?social security?account number.

(D) Documentation showing the person?s name and address of principal residence.


(A) IN GENERAL- To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall comply with the minimum standards of this paragraph.

(B) EVIDENCE OF LAWFUL STATUS- A State shall require, before issuing a driver?s license or identification card to a person, valid documentary evidence that the person?

(i) is a citizen or national of the United States;

(ii) is an alien lawfully admitted for permanent or temporary residence in the United States;

(iii) has conditional permanent resident status in the United States;

(iv) has an approved application for asylum in the United States or has entered into the United States in refugee status;

(v) has a valid, unexpired nonimmigrant visa or nonimmigrant visa status for entry into the United States;

(vi) has a pending application for asylum in the United States;

(vii) has a pending or approved application for temporary protected status in the United States;

(viii) has approved deferred action status; or

(ix) has a pending application for adjustment of status to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States or conditional permanent resident status in the United States.


(i) IN GENERAL- If a person presents evidence under any of clauses (v) through (ix) of subparagraph (B), the State may only issue a temporary driver?s license or temporary identification card to the person.

(ii) EXPIRATION DATE- A temporary driver?s license or temporary identification card issued pursuant to this subparagraph shall be valid only during the period of time of the applicant?s authorized stay in the United States or, if there is no definite end to the period of authorized stay, a period of one year.

(iii) DISPLAY OF EXPIRATION DATE- A temporary driver?s license or temporary identification card issued pursuant to this subparagraph shall clearly indicate that it is temporary and shall state the date on which it expires.

(iv) RENEWAL- A temporary driver?s license or temporary identification card issued pursuant to this subparagraph may be renewed only upon presentation of valid documentary evidence that the status by which the applicant qualified for the temporary driver?s license or temporary identification card has been extended by the Secretary of Homeland Security.

(3) VERIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS- To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall implement the following procedures:

(A) Before issuing a driver?s license or identification card to a person, the State shall verify, with the issuing agency, the issuance, validity, and completeness of each document required to be presented by the person under paragraph (1) or (2).

(B) The State shall not accept any foreign document, other than an official passport, to satisfy a requirement of paragraph (1) or (2).

(C) Not later than September 11, 2005, the State shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Secretary of Homeland Security to routinely utilize the automated system known as Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements, as provided for by section 404 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (110 Stat. 3009-664), to verify the legal presence status of a person, other than a United States citizen, applying for a driver?s license or identification card.

(d) Other Requirements- To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall adopt the following practices in the issuance of drivers? licenses and identification cards:

(1) Employ technology to capture digital images of identity source documents so that the images can be retained in electronic storage in a transferable format.

(2) Retain paper copies of source documents for a minimum of 7 years or images of source documents presented for a minimum of 10 years.

(3) Subject each person applying for a driver?s license or identification card to mandatory facial image capture.

(4) Establish an effective procedure to confirm or verify a renewing applicant?s information.

(5) Confirm with the Social Security Administration a social security account number presented by a person using the full social security account number. In the event that a social security account number is already registered to or associated with another person to which any State has issued a driver?s license or identification card, the State shall resolve the discrepancy and take appropriate action.

(6) Refuse to issue a driver?s license or identification card to a person holding a driver?s license issued by another State without confirmation that the person is terminating or has terminated the driver?s license.

(7) Ensure the physical security of locations where drivers? licenses and identification cards are produced and the security of document materials and papers from which drivers? licenses and identification cards are produced.

(8) Subject all persons authorized to manufacture or produce drivers? licenses and identification cards to appropriate security clearance requirements.

(9) Establish fraudulent document recognition training programs for appropriate employees engaged in the issuance of drivers? licenses and identification cards.

(10) Limit the period of validity of all driver?s licenses and identification cards that are not temporary to a period that does not exceed 8 years.

(11) In any case in which the State issues a driver?s license or identification card that does not satisfy the requirements of this section, ensure that such license or identification card?

(A) clearly states on its face that it may not be accepted by any Federal agency for federal identification or any other official purpose; and

(B) uses a unique design or color indicator to alert Federal agency and other law enforcement personnel that it may not be accepted for any such purpose.

(12) Provide electronic access to all other States to information contained in the motor vehicle database of the State.

(13) Maintain a State motor vehicle database that contains, at a minimum?

(A) all data fields printed on drivers? licenses and identification cards issued by the State; and

(B) motor vehicle drivers? histories, including motor vehicle violations, suspensions, and points on licenses.


(a) Criminal Penalty- Section 1028(a)(8) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking `false authentication features? and inserting `false or actual authentication features?.

(b) Use of False Driver?s License at Airports-

(1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall enter, into the appropriate aviation security screening database, appropriate information regarding any person convicted of using a false driver?s license at an airport (as such term is defined in section 40102 of title 49, United States Code).

(2) FALSE DEFINED- In this subsection, the term `false? has the same meaning such term has under section 1028(d) of title 18, United States Code.


(a) In General- The Secretary may make grants to a State to assist the State in conforming to the minimum standards set forth in this title.

(b) Authorization of Appropriations- There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary for each of the fiscal years 2005 through 2009 such sums as may be necessary to carry out this title.


(a) Participation of Secretary of Transportation and States- All authority to issue regulations, set standards, and issue grants under this title shall be carried out by the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Transportation and the States.

(b) Extensions of Deadlines- The Secretary may grant to a State an extension of time to meet the requirements of section 202(a)(1) if the State provides adequate justification for noncompliance.


Section 7212 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-458) is repealed.


Nothing in this title shall be construed to affect the authorities or responsibilities of the Secretary of Transportation or the States under chapter 303 of title 49, United States Code.?

Let?s now look into the ramifications of Real ID.

A site, which is in opposition to Real ID, illustrates the seven things wrong with the act:

It?s also important to note while the act does not directly change driver?s licenses,??instead it threatens the states by stating that the federal government will not accept their citizens? IDs unless the states change their laws,??(bold added for emphasis).

Yep that?s right, one could be treated like a slave if state governments don?t submit to the federal government?s overreaching authority.

As reported by American Financial Services Association, here is a state by state account.

Before looking into each state, it is important to note AFSA also reports all the pending legislation is from 2009 and the bills from 2007 as well as 2008 have been enacted.

However, there are politicians that are already expressing their concerns with the Real ID Act.

On February 1, 2012 representative Justin Amash (R-MI) sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano regarding the evasive components of how drivers licenses could be equipped with RFID technology. The letter can be read on Rep. Amash?s?official website.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

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1. Look at basic improvements prior to jumping into huge projects such a repairing a leaky roofing and getting rid of any other structural or mechanised problems. In the restroom replace faucets via 20 mirrors from 50 and towel rods through 20. In the kitchen consider refacing or maybe replacing the kitchen cabinetry. Exterior solid color deck stain, reviews These small initiatives make an immediate affect on your homes appearance without breaking the bank.
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3. Home Replacements- Are your gates cracked leaking oxygen and creaky or can they just look previous and worn down Exchange and update Save on hvac bills with energy-efficient alternate solutions that keep your family members safe and comfortable. If your wood doors are aging or scuffed replace them as well but dont find too fancy or perhaps customized with adornment that cant be seen from the road. Even replacing a shower door is usually a cheap upgrade in an otherwise expensive area to remodel. From 200 each.
4. Landscaping- How you will take care of the exterior of the house reflects how you take care of the interior and this undertaking doesnt have to be time-consuming or costly. Fancy gardens stone walkways and sophisticated fences look nice but they can be time consuming and costly. A more effective along with economical solution is to help mow the grass regularly. Trimming any kind of shrubbery removing weed growth makes a great very first impression. Also while you are taking care of the landscape a good project to attempt is your home outdoor to kill mildew and mold and make sure it doesnt come back. Use a garden sprayer along with EPA-approved mildewcide and then repaint with mildew resistant brand names. From 35 per gallon.
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SoftLayer says its cloud beats Amazon in online gaming. Here's why ...

It might not be immediately obvious, but online games are a bear on data center infrastructure. ?To keep players interested, games have to be fast and responsive, they are often played simultaneously by hundreds ? if not thousands ? ?of people, and they run flashy, resource-intensive graphics. They?re a pain.

As great as shared cloud infrastructure can be, these workloads often demand dedicated physical servers in addition to heavily virtualized, shared cloud servers. That?s where SoftLayer, the Dallas-based cloud service provider, says it differentiates itself from other big cloud players including market leader Amazon Web Services. SoftLayer, as Derrick Harris reported earlier, may not be a household name, but it runs the?cloud that helps run many household brands?including Tumblr, Cloudant and Citrix and has backed such popular games as OMGPOP and Draw Something, which have since been acquired by Zynga, which is moving more of its internal games onto its Zcloud and off of AWS.

SoftLayer says: hybrid cloud is best for gamers

SoftLayer attacks this online gaming challenge with its own hybrid technology which pairs shared and dedicated infrastructure.

?With gaming either on mobile devices or on Facebook, it?s all about engagement. How much time can you keep players engaged and coming back and what drives all that is the data points collected by the games makers that help them refine and iterate fast,? Marc Jones, VP of product innovation for Dallas-based SoftLayer told me last week. ?One driver from an infrastructure perspective is the sheer volume of data points [from user moves] which ultimately end up in a database, maybe in MySQL or one of many NoSQL options like MongoDB or Hadoop,? Jones said.

That proliferation of data points and the need for fast response drives demand for higher I/O that Jones says is only available from truly dedicated servers. ?With those servers you can configure your drives, the CPU you want, the memory you want up to 10G ? you can use local SSD RAID configurations if you want to get better I/OPS and better I/O,? Jones said.

Meeting the fluctuating demand of gamers

The spiky nature of demand for games is another factor that makes SoftLayer?s hybrid approach effective, added George Karidis the company?s chief strategy officer. When a game launches there is?usually a spike ? the size of which is hard to predict. ??The variability of game play, the time of day and when they launch means they have to leverage their virtual cloud instances and spin up and down fast. ?WIth our private network you can have your cloud instances and your dedicated infrastructure all talking to each other on our private network,? Jones said. That eliminates latency.

Current SoftLayer gaming customers include Kixeye, the San Francisco game company behind Backyard Monsters, Battle Pirates and War Commander.

SoftLayer, other clouds, take aim at Amazon

SoftLayer is getting aggressive in its promotion of itself as a viable ? and oftentimes less expensive ? alternative to the Amazon cloud. ?Our private network is completely free to these users. We only charge for outbound traffic ? inbound and data center-to-data center traffic is all included. On a dollar per dollar basis we?re less expensive than Amazon when you go above their low-end compute offering,? said Jones.

Indeed, other competitors are also getting feisty in positioning themselves against Amazon.?Last week, Steve Tuck, GM for Joyent, another big cloud service provider, took aim at Amazon in a blog post on Computer Business Review?saying it is no longer impossible to imagine competitors (like, um Joyent perhaps?) besting Amazon at its own game, especially as the ?internet of things? comes online.

According to Tuck?s post:

Once upon a time, it was easier for developers, entrepreneurs and IT managers to work with Amazon. That is no longer true today. While Amazon remains the dominant cloud provider, its customers are beginning to see cracks in the Amazon Cloud foundation.

Clearly, SoftLayer, with its 13 data centers worldwide and 100,000 servers under management, feels the same way. Paul Santinelli, general partner at VC firm North Bridge Venture Partners, who watches this space closely, agreed that Amazon is by no means invulnerable to scrappy competition.

?That space is just heating up. The frustration with Amazon on the customer side is reliability. ?You tell me I have servers but they may not be reserved for me and they may be in a distant data center so latency is problematic.? If you, as a customer, want dedicated instances, reliability and lower latency, it?s highly likely you?ll go to a smaller cloud provider, ? he said.

Related research and analysis from GigaOM Pro:
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Last Will And Testomony Planning Is Necessary |

Ready to start out enthusiastic about your Last Will and Testomony however do not know the place to start?

Choosing an attorney

Find a lawyer with associated areas of expertise, like property planning and taxation law.

And examine with native the Bar Affiliation to see if the attorney has had any disciplinary actions taken towards him or her.

A Living Will is as Obligatory as a Final Will and Testament

Tell relations, your lawyer and your doctor the place your Residing Will is situated and what it says.

Whenever you enter a long run care facility, give your Residing Will to the director to ensure they are going to honour it.And make sure all your friends and relatives, find out about it too wherein case they are going to assist perform your wishes.

Make certain your Last Will and Testomony is up to date as well as your Dwelling Will. Do not do your Residing Will and Testomony yourself. Workplace supply stores and the Internet sell pc applications that create Wills and power of lawyer varieties, but these usually gloss over the intricacies of tax laws. Chances are you?ll lower your expenses on legal fees up entrance, but you?ll be able to put your self in a disastrous situation down the road.

Energy of Attorney

An influence of attorney is a most necessary document. An influence of legal professional appoints someone to maintain your finances when you find yourself too incapacitated to handle them yourself. This document has various clauses that can assist to guard your assets if you, your spouse or your mum or dad wants to go into a nursing home. But many issues require rearranging ? sometimes with presents, typically by establishing monetary autos, generally by purchases. However nothing might be achieved if you happen to?re incompetent to deal with your funds and no person else has authority to deal with your funds either.

A Energy of Legal professional For Your Last Will And Testomony Can Expire

Be sure your power of legal professional is as much as date. Remeber you are giving the ability to implement your Living Will as well as your Final Will and Testomony if necessary.

Final Will And Testomony

Consider building in compensation for additional special care. Individuals often depart their property to their children in equal shares, however many instances one little one is especially involved whereas others are less attentive. If one baby is supplying you with care immediately, in all probability of their home, you could need to contemplate giving them more.

Make sure your Will is as much as date. Laws change and your Final Will and Testament is your last likelihood to see needs and bequests carried out.

There is more information available on attorney olympia wa take a look at Maren F. Blancarte?s site there is plenty of information not detailed in this post, go to Author?s blog to locate additional details.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Outdoor BBQ Grills of Your Dreams! ? Food and Drinks

In the past many outdoor bbq grills looked and functioned in a similar way. They had large colored kettle shaped lids and were rolled into the corner on the patio. Everyone in the neighborhood had one.

Luckily today we have many options made available too us when searching or buying outdoor bbq grills. It?s not only the size and design of the bbq grills but also the cooking features and the options are varied as well.

One of the major reasons for the new design and look of outdoor bbq grills was safety. The large cumbersome kettle shaped domes had their handle in the middle. This required you to reach over and across the hot bbq grill to grab hold of the handle to open the lid. Modern day outdoor bbq grills have their handle placed on the front. This makes it easier to open the top without the risk of an injury.

And propane is quickly becoming the heat source of choice for outdoor chefs, as propane grills typically light just with the touch of a button. This means no more lighter fluid and matches, and less chances of flame flare-ups as well. Outdoor bbq grills that use propane are considered safer for those with children who may get too close to the grill.

Interesting enough some outdoor bbq grills can be designed or selected that offer different types of cooking methods. For example a rotisserie that turns the food over while you can entertain your guests rather than hovering over the bbq grill. Another example is an electric powered water smoker. These types of outdoor bbq grills baste the food while cooking it slowly for that roasted flavor.

You may become a little confused with all the different options available to you. Some outdoor bbq grills come with an extra gas or electric side burner or a warming compartment to keep your food hot. Whatever option you decide to choose make sure it is what you need.

Why stop there? Some of the larger outdoor grills actually have a built in refrigerators. We don?t want to drink warm beer. Seriously, you can store drinks and various food items without the need to run back and forth into the kitchen.

While people are spending less on travel they do spend more on the home. One area is the backyard and outdoor bbq grills are perfect for people who love to entertain at home. With all these options for you to consider, you could end up with the Rolls Royce of outdoor bbq grills.

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Recreation & Sport: The Joy of Fly Fishing in New Brunswick

Sunday Trout And Striper Fishing on The Miramichi River

Posted: 28 May 2012 06:11 AM PDT

shiftychevy and 19 inch striperWhile I was out in the yard trying to get everything looking good and ready for summer Casey and fishing friend ShiftyChevy, probably not his real name, went to the Miramichi river to see if they could catch a few sea run trout and some stripers.

The scenery was great as was the weather but the trout and stripers were taking the day off to relax in the sun I guess because there wasn't much catching going on. Those can be frustrating days so it really helps when the scenery keeps your mind occupied through a long day of no fish.

Well I shouldn't say NO fish as Casey's friend managed to hook into a 19" striper at the end of the day. That's him in the picture top left.

beautiful miramichi river
This is one of the pictures Casey took. What a beautiful scene.

I have never seen this part of the Miramichi. Whenever I am fishing the Miramichi it's always been much further upstream and I've always been fishing Atlantic salmon. It would be quite a surprise to land a striper on the fly rod.

Well boys I hope you have been luck in the future.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Audrey Tautou At Cannes: 'I Want To Go To The Darker Side Of Humanity'

CANNES, France ? Actress Audrey Tautou, known for her sweet and light roles in such films as "Amelie," praised the late director Claude Miller as a "bright and passionate" filmmaker who helped her turn in a darker direction in his final film.

The French star plays a husband-poisoner in Miller's "Therese Desqueyroux," which closes the Cannes Film Festival on Sunday at a special screening celebrating the lauded New Wave filmmaker, who died last month of cancer at age 70.

The contemporary of Francois Truffaut, whose large body of work includes 1998's Cannes Jury Prize winner "Class Trip," helped Tautou to take on the role in the adaptation of Francois Mauriac's novel about a frustrated wife who slowly tries to kill her husband with arsenic to get freedom.

The gritty role, and Miller's acuity and patience, helped her unlock her inner dark side.

"It didn't exactly free me, but it did make more want to explore cinema even more," she said, in an interview with The Associated Press, wearing shades on a terrace overlooking the French Riviera. "I really liked the experience... I had to try to not be scared of Therese. I want to go to the darker side of humanity."

The film is set in the French region of Landes, near Bordeaux, where the young, cerebral Therese is forced to marry authoritative Bernard, played by Gilles Lellouche, whom she grows to despise.

The role is a far cry from "Amelie," the touching 2001 story of a shy Parisienne waitress who changes the lives of those around her through eccentric acts of kindness. That role shot her to stardom, but 10 years later, Tautou seized upon her "dream script" as an opportunity to grow up.

"I'm not the same woman I was when I was 22-years-old. I don't feel genuine in young ingenue parts any more. Therese led me to entirely new terrain," said Tautou.

She said Miller's talents remained with him right until he died.

"Claude really gave us a life lesson on the shoot of `Therese.' When you see the film he made ? brilliant and unrelenting ? you think how crazy it is that a film like that could be made with such simplicity," Tautou said.

She recalled her last conversation with Miller in April. "Yes, I remember, yes," she said, with hesitation. "The thing is, right until the end his eyes would sparkle. He was so bright and passionate."

Tautou said she was deeply sad that Miller cannot grace the red carpet with her at the festival, but laughed and remembered something he said just before he succumbed to the illness.

"Ah, we'd talk about movies, about `Therese.' Oh, we'd talk about Cannes! He said when we go to Cannes, we'll have to dress nicely."


Thomas Adamson can be reached at

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Saturday's college baseball roundup: Virginia shuts out Florida State; Georgia Tech, Miami reach title game

Daily Press

11:45 p.m. EDT, May 26, 2012

Artie Lewicki pitched seven innings as Virginia (38-17-1) closed its three-day run in ACC tournament pool play with a 2-1 record, beating Florida State 7-0 Saturday with a six-run seventh inning.

The Cavaliers boosted their chances of being an NCAA regional host.

The Seminoles, who entered the tournament ranked No. 1 nationally by, finished 0-3 in Greensboro, N.C. Georgia Tech, the bottom seed in the eight-team event, went 3-0 in pool play to reach Sunday?s title game against Miami.

The Hurricanes' spot wasn't ensured until North Carolina beat N.C. State 4-0 in 12 innings before more than 10,000 fans, a record attendance for a college baseball game in the Tar Heel State. The Wolfpack would have made the final if it had won.

Miami and UNC led their group at 2-1, and the Hurricanes won the head-to-head tiebreaker.


UNC Wilmington took the Colonial Athletic Association tournament crown and an NCAA automatic bid by rallying from a six-run deficit to defeat Delaware 10-8 in the CAA tournament final in Harrisonburg.

The Seahawks (38-21) scored twice in the ninth inning, getting an RBI single by Thomas Pope and a sacrifice fly by Jake Koenig, to win their first title since 2006.

Delaware (31-27) forced a decisive game with an 11-9 win over UNCW earlier in the day.

Atlantic 10

Dayton won the Atlantic 10 tournament in the Bronx, N.Y., beating Richmond 3-0 to ensure its first NCAA regional trip.

Former Peninsula Pilot Phil Ruzbarsky was one of three Spiders on the all-tournament team.

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Bowling Pin Monsters - Peter Nordstrom Creates Alien Sculptures with Sports Gear (

Using bowling pins as his unlikely canvas, artist Peter Nordstrom creates amazingly intricate alien-like monster creatures. As frightening as they are impressive, photos of Nordstrom?s work are making their way around the blogosphere.

The sculptures are relatively tiny, but pack a huge punch. Almost resembling a rock-like substance, the sculptures are decidedly bizarre, but definitely impressive. It?s almost impossible to imagine the pieces in their original state, as you wouldn?t want to put these masterpieces in the line of a speeding bowling ball. Inspired by the Prometheus, this work tells a dire tale with a strong cautionary message. It takes quite a bit of time to take in all of the detail of the piece, because the artist has fit a lot of details into one sculpture.

Far from understated, Nordstom?s re-imagined bowling pin art is mind-boggling and magnetically intriguing.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Visualizing and Budgeting: Key Production Tools for 'Lockout' | The ...

Home ? Entertainment ? Visualizing and Budgeting: Key Production Tools for ?Lockout?

Visualizing and Budgeting: Key Production Tools for ?Lockout?

Posted by:?Claudia Sondergaard??? Tags:? guy pearce 2012, guy pearce film, guy pearce movie, james mathers, lockout 2012, lockout film, lockout guy pearce, lockout movie, Luc Besson, maggie grace, stephen st. leger??? Posted date:? May 26, 2012 ?|? No comment

Once the script was finalized for the new outer space action-packed ?Lockout?, the directors James Mather and Stephen St. Leger suggested to their mentor Luc Besson that they ?previsualize? the whole movie in the form of a storyboard and animated modeling of the sets, including M.S. One, of course, and costumes. Luc Besson immediately agreed.

Even though the directors later deviated from the previsualization, it captures the desired visual atmosphere and testifies to the humor in the film. ?With a very precise idea of the end result to hand,? notes Stephen St. Leger, we were able to strike the right balance between thriller and comedy because it would be very easy for the film to fall into parody or, on the other hand, take itself too seriously.?

Previsualization also offered a tool for the heads of department to picture the most complex action scenes and stunts to respond to the directors? wishes. It was especially useful considering that the technicians were of diverse origins (British, Irish, French, Serbian). The power of the images transcended the language barrier.

In all, around fifteen people, including the directors, four story boarders and 3D graphic artists, worked on the previsualization for four months before the actors added their dialogue. ?As a result,? says producer Leila Smith, ?we had a kind of animated model of the final movie with all the key scenes, such as the freefall to earth and the motorbike chase.?

An optimized budget

Although the film was initiated and produced by EuropaCorp in France, it was shot in Serbia with English-speaking actors, while benefitting from Ireland?s tax incentives. Although the two directors are from Dublin, it was difficult to envision hiring sound stages there. ?Dublin?s studios are excellent facilities but very expensive and we needed at least 1,000-1,500 square meters.

We had a decent budget, but it?s the directors? debut feature and we constantly had to make trade-offs.? Eventually, it was decided that the shoot would take place in brand new studios in Belgrade, Serbia. Even so, in view of the many visual effects, EuropaCorp decided to entrust post-production to a specialized company in Dublin. This also enabled the movie to claim Ireland?s tax credit.

There was a further focus on budgets through set recycling. Several sets combined physical constructions and green screen, such as the clover-shaped LOPD with space and the Earth in the background, and the expressway where the motorcycle chase takes place. ?For that scene, which involved a circular tracking shot,? recounts Leila Smith, ?we resorted to using a system of hydraulic pistons to be able to move in every possible direction.? The sets aboard M.S.

One included the secure area where the character of Snow sticks a syringe into Emilie?s eye, the infirmary where they find several corpses and the general population area of the prison. The parts of the sets that the actors touched, such as the pillars in general population, were built and installed in front of a green screen in order to complete the picture in post-production.

Like a giant Lego pieces, the sets were systematically recycled. As a result, the shooting schedule worked around the availability of the sets. ?Every day,? recalls Leila Smith, ?the production designer checked with the directors, first assistant and us to be sure that any given scene was in the can, so that within a few days the set could be dismantled. While they were building another set, we switched to another studio.?

The film benefitted from the creativity of production designer Romek Delimata, who often found ingenious and unexpected solutions. Various locations in Belgrade, such as subway corridors and the dark alley reminiscent of ?Blade Runner?, came into play.

The scene in the Oval Office of the White House was shot in an Amstel brewery in the suburbs of Belgrade. Producer Marc Libert says, ?Romek is a geek, heavily influenced by ?Star Wars?, who spent his time scribbling on photos of locations to sketch out the changes that needed to be made. That way, out of almost nothing, he obtained spectacular results.?


Image Courtesy of?? ?Lockout

About the author

Claudia Sondergaard
International Affairs graduate with a passion for the interconnectedness of global society and concepts of rights and freedom. Other interests include cinema and books. When not working furiously, I travel and have an interest in exploring culture. Reporting from Aalborg, Denmark.

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Tinley mental health center closing plan needs ... - Health and Fitness

Just five weeks before the scheduled closing of the Tinley Park Mental Health Center, service providers and advocates say the transition plan comes with too little funding to safely serve residents of the south suburbs.

Gov. Pat Quinn announced the closing this year as part of a ?rebalancing plan? that will transition those with mental illnesses and developmental disabilities out of institutions and into community-based settings. The center has also been lumped into the governor?s cost-cutting plan to close and consolidate state facilities.

Despite a legislative panel?s recommendation to keep the center open, Quinn has pushed forward with the plan.

Department of Human Services officials last week reviewed the closing plan with the providers that will replace services offered by the center. Lorrie Rickman Jones, director of the department?s Division of Mental Health, said DHS is ready to shut down the 54-year-old facility by July 1, despite recent legislative attempts to keep it open for another six months to allow for more planning.

?We?re ready to go,? she said. ?The contracts are on the street and the money will be on the street very shortly.?

DHS accepted proposals from 10 hospitals, seven community health providers and four substance-abuse service providers for replacement services once the center closes, she said, but contract negotiations are ongoing.

Mental health advocates and lawmakers alike have criticized DHS for having too few details settled for serving residents when Tinley?s center closes. With the last date for patient admission set for June 15, stakeholders say they are happy for more details but still have concerns. Chief among them is that the plan doesn?t offer enough funding for the services that hospitals and community providers are taking on.

?Everyone shares the concerns around sustainability and whether there?s enough funds to take care of the transition,? said Frank Anselmo, CEO of Community Behavioral Healthcare Association of Illinois.

Jones said DHS will spend about $10 million on the plan, which is estimated to serve 1,400 clients a year through inpatient, outpatient and substance-abuse services. With an operating budget of $20.3 million in fiscal year 2011, the facility served 1,900 patients.

Anselmo said that doesn?t account for others who never got treatment because of a shortage of psychiatric beds for the uninsured in the Chicago area.

DHS said the new plan is designed to redirect some patients out of hospital beds and into substance-abuse treatment or outpatient care programs.

?Our studies estimate that we will see the need for admissions decrease by about 45 percent,? DHS spokeswoman Januari Smith Trader said in an email.

Joseph Troiani, director of behavioral health programs for the Will County Health Department, said about half the patients sent to the Tinley Park center through his programs have a substance-abuse problem.

Troiani said the new system of assessing patients is a plus. Though he described the overall plan as ?workable,? he added that it would benefit from additional resources.

Jackie Haas, president and CEO of The Helen Wheeler Center, a mental health provider in Kankakee, said she has yet to sign a contract with DHS and is moving forward cautiously because of funding concerns.

Ingalls Memorial Hospital in Harvey is still reviewing a contract to provide psychiatric beds for DHS, said Jeff Bergren, director of behavioral health. The hospital referred 220 patients to Tinley Park last year, he said, but the state contract would cover only 60 percent of those patients.

?It would seem to say we are not going to have sufficient funding to take care of these patients throughout the year,? he said. ?I think DHS has actually done a pretty good job of putting together a system of care with the available resources they have, but I don?t think the available resources are sufficient.?

Article source:,0,7272300.story

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Few U.S. Hispanics Screened for Skin Cancer

FRIDAY May 25, 2012 -- Only one in 14 Hispanic adults in the United States has ever been screened for skin cancer, far fewer than the one in four whites screened, a new study finds.

Socioeconomic factors such as lack of health insurance and poorer access to health care services are major reasons for this disparity, according to the researchers at The Cancer Institute of New Jersey.

They added that their findings show the need to develop ways to promote skin examinations among Hispanics at risk for skin cancer.

Previous research has shown that while Hispanics are at lower risk of melanoma than whites, Hispanics are more likely than whites to be diagnosed at an earlier age and with thicker, more advanced melanoma, the most deadly type of skin cancer. Studies have also shown that full-body, head-to-toe skin examinations by a doctor may reduce the incidence of thick melanomas that have a poor prognosis.

In this new study, the researchers analyzed data from more than 4,700 Hispanic adults who took part in the 2010 U.S. National Health Interview Survey. Only 7 percent of the adults reported ever having a full skin examination by a doctor.

When broken down by categories, rates of full-body skin examinations for Hispanics were: 9 percent for those born in the United States; 6 percent for those born outside the U.S.; 4 percent for those who spoke mostly or only Spanish; 13 percent for those of Cuban descent; 10 percent for those of Puerto Rican descent; and 6 percent for those from Mexico and the Dominican Republic.

Lower screening rates were seen among: men (6 percent); people aged 18 to 29 (4 percent); those with some high school education or less (4 percent); people without health insurance (3 percent); those with no source of preventive care (2 percent); and people who received preventive care somewhere other than a doctor's office (5 percent).

The study appeared in the latest issue of the Archives of Dermatology.

"Although the skin cancer screening rates were higher for several Hispanic subpopulations, the overall rate of screening we found among adult U.S. Hispanics was very low," lead author Elliot Coups, a behavioral scientist at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey and an associate professor of medicine at University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, said in an institute news release.

"It is of concern that Hispanic individuals with a language barrier, lower level of education and lack of access to health care had especially low screening rates. While additional research is needed, it is clear from this study that this population may greatly benefit from interventions that promote these screenings, particularly for individuals at risk for skin cancer," he concluded.

More information

The U.S. National Cancer Institute has more about skin cancer screening.

Posted: May 2012

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Hurricane Bud nears Puerto Vallarta

Hurricane Bud lost strength as it moved closer to Mexico's Pacific Coast and was forecast to hit land south of the popular tourist town of Puerto Vallarta Friday night, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Bud weakened overnight from a powerful Category 3 storm, and had dropped to a Category 1 with 75 mph winds by Friday afternoon.

The storm is expected to weaken to a tropical storm as it hits land, then move a little inland and then make a U-turn and head back out into the Pacific.

Rain, rather than wind, could be the big threat, with the center warning of the "potential for life-threatening mudslides" in steep terrain inland.

The government of Jalisco state prepared hundreds of cots and dozens of heavy vehicles like bulldozers that could be needed to move debris.

Officials in Puerto Vallarta said they were in close contact with managers of the hundreds of hotels in the city in case tourists needed to move to eight emergency shelters. It said the sea along the city's famous beachfront was calm, but swimming had been temporarily banned as a precaution.

The hurricane is the Pacific's first of the 2012 season.

Story: US: 4-8 Atlantic hurricanes expected this season

Located about 75 miles west of Manzanillo, the hurricane was moving north at around 7 mph.

Bud is expected to soak the states of Michoacan, Colima and Jalisco and southern Nayarit with around 6 to 8 inches of rain.

In some places, the storm could dump as much as 15 inches of rain.

Most of Mexico's oil platforms and exporting ports are in the Gulf of Mexico and affected by storms in the Atlantic, where forecasters are expecting a "near normal" hurricane season this year with up to 15 tropical storms and four to eight hurricanes.

A separate storm was pounding much of Cuba and the Bahamas on Friday. Cuba's civil defense agency reported that a French citizen, Alain Manaud, and Silvestre Fortun Alvarez of Cuba were missing after trying to cross rain-swollen rivers, according to the government's Prensa Latina news agency. It said a search for them was continuing.

An official at the French Embassy in Havana said Manaud was 66 and had lived in Cuba for several years. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment publicly.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Scots' push for Britain breakup begins in earnest

EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Supporters of independence for Scotland will launch on Friday what they say is the biggest grassroots campaign in Scottish history, a move that could result in the demise of a 305-year-old union with England and the breakup of Britain.

Seeking to tap into a cocktail of historical rivalry, opposing political tastes, and a perception that the British parliament in London does not nurture Scotland's national interests, the "Yes Scotland" campaign says it wants to win a referendum on independence in 2014 and for the country to become fully independent by 2016.

"For the first time the issue is real because people are going to have a vote," a spokesman for the campaign, who said he could not be named in line with protocol, told Reuters.

"People are more open to this than they have ever been before. It is fundamentally better for our future if decisions about Scotland are taken by the people who care about it the most."

If successful, such a move could create serious problems for Britain - which comprises England, Scotland and Wales (Britain is in turn part of the United Kingdom which also includes Northern Ireland).

Britain's Trident nuclear submarine fleet is based in Scotland, revenues from Scottish North Sea oil remain important to its coffers, and analysts say Britain would find it harder to maintain its voice at international bodies such as the U.N. Security Council as well as in European Union decision-making.

"The biggest issue for the UK is defence," Professor John Curtice of the University of Strathclyde said in a phone interview. "The question would be whether an independent Scotland would allow the UK to maintain its nuclear facilities there."

Despite its relatively small population of just over five million - compared to England's population of just over 52 million - a vote for Scottish independence inevitably would diminish Britain's voice on the world stage, he added.

"The rest of the world would be surprised and shocked that the UK was unable to hold together. It would not be perceived to be as big a player as it is now. Its weight in the world would be diminished."


Opinion polls show that around 40 percent of Scottish people are sympathetic to independence, with around 10 percent undecided and the remaining 50 percent opposed. South of the border in England, polls show people are largely apathetic.

The independence drive is being led by Alex Salmond, the feisty leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP). His party won a majority in Scottish elections last year and under the country's devolved system of government, it has control over health, education and prisons.

The British government in London controls foreign policy and defence. Yet Scotland has many of the trappings of an independent nation - its own flag, sports teams, culture and a history of achievements in science and literature.

Salmond wants Scotland to have its own armed forces and foreign policy and rejects a nuclear submarine facility based close to Glasgow.

The SNP-backed launch of the Yes Scotland campaign will take place at a conference centre on Friday in Edinburgh, the Scottish capital, and will be attended by pro-independence celebrities whose names have not been revealed.

One of Scotland's most high-profile celebrity supporters of independence is Sean Connery, famous for his cinematic depiction of British secret service agent James Bond. The same campaign spokesman declined to confirm whether Connery would attend.

Waiting for a bus on Edinburgh's George Street, an elegant thoroughfare littered with statues dating back to the heyday of the British Empire, 27-year-old bank worker Gregor Low said he would be voting for independence.

"There has always been a romantic notion of Scotland wanting its independence," he said. Praising the SNP and deriding the Conservative party which is locked in an increasingly unpopular British coalition government with the Liberal Democrat party, he said Scottish people felt removed from London.

"How can (Prime Minister) David Cameron or (Finance Minister) George Osborne know anything about the realities of life in Scotland?"

Edinburgh reflects the nation's complex history. It is home to the most tangible symbol of Scotland's thirst for greater independence: the ultra-modern Scottish parliament building.

But ironically, it is also home to an array of British imperial monuments built to commemorate the significant role Scotland played in the Empire alongside England.

History runs deep in Scotland and, symbolically, the independence referendum will be held on the 700th anniversary of the 1314 Battle of Bannockburn in which an army commanded by England's King Edward II was roundly defeated at the hands of a smaller force led by Robert the Bruce, a source of enduring pride for Scottish patriots.

The Yes Scotland campaign says it aims to go door to door in an effort to try to persuade people to sign a "Yes Declaration".

Harry Reid, an author and journalist who has followed Scottish politics since 1969, said the Labour party, traditionally strong in Scotland, had seen its supporters switch to the SNP in recent years.

That is crucial as Scotland historically is more inclined to vote for the left, whereas English voters have voted in much larger numbers for the right, underscoring a political fault line between north and south.

Furious at what they saw as former prime minister Tony Blair's support of U.S. foreign policy in Iraq and Afghanistan, Reid said disenchanted Labour voters may yet return to the fold.

If they do - in sufficiently large numbers ahead of a British general election in 2015 - the "yes" campaign would be buried, he said.

"If we're going to get a decent Labour government back in 2015 people might wonder whether they really need independence."

(Additional reporting by Ian MacKenzie; Editing by Michael Roddy)

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Egyptians vote in presidential election's 2nd day

CAIRO (AP) ? In a wide-open race that will define the nation's future political course, Egyptian voted Thursday on the second day of a landmark presidential election that will produce a successor to longtime authoritarian ruler Hosni Mubarak.

Voters lined up outside some polling centers, but the morning turnout was generally weaker than the previous day's, when long lines formed outside polling centers more than an hour before they opened. The government has given employees Thursday off to bolster the turnout.

The two-day vote marked the end of decades of authoritarian rule, although concerns remained that the nation's military rulers who took over after Mubarak would try to retain influence. Egyptians were hopeful as they waited patiently for their chance to cast a ballot in the Arab world's first competitive presidential election.

"The revolution has won us the right to freely elect our president," said housewife Doaa Nasr, referring to the 18-day uprising that toppled Mubarak's 29-year regime 15 months ago.

"No one can now take this right away from us," she said as she waited in line to vote in Cairo's Zeitoun district.

There are 13 candidates in the race, including Islamists, liberals and former regime figures. No one is expected to win more than 50 percent of the vote in the first round Wednesday and Thursday, setting the stage for a run-off June 16-17 between the top two finishers. A winner will be announced June 21.

The generals who took control after Mubarak was ousted have promised to hand over power by July 1, repeatedly assuring critics that they have no wish to remain in charge. There are fears, however, that they could retain significant powers on matters of national security and key foreign policies.

The landmark election, considered the freest and fairest in Egypt's history, is wide open. The reliability of polls is uncertain, and of the 13 candidates have bounced around the top spots, although none of them has emerged as a clear front-runner.

The two leading secular contenders are both veterans of Mubarak's regime ? former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq and former foreign minister Amr Moussa. The main Islamist candidates are Mohammed Morsi of the powerful and well-organized Muslim Brotherhood, and Abdel-Moneim Abolfotoh, a moderate Islamist whose inclusive platform has won him the support of some liberals, leftists and minority Christians.

Some voters are backing the Mubarak-era veterans, believing they can bring stability after months of rising crime, a crumbling economy and deadly street clashes under military rule. Others were horrified by the thought, believing the "feloul" ? or "remnants" of the regime ? will keep Egypt locked in dictatorship and thwart democracy.

Islamists have jumped into the political fray, seizing the chance to lead a country where they were repressed for decades. Led by the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamists dominated parliamentary elections, winning nearly three-quarters of the seats. But the Islamists' popularity has since waned as many Egyptians fear they seek to monopolize power and impose a theocracy.

An alternative to both the Islamists and the Mubarak-era candidates has emerged in the figure of leftist candidate Hamdeen Sabahi, who has claimed the mantle of Egypt's late president, the populist Gamal Abdel-Nasser.

An Islamist victory, particularly by Morsi, will likely mean a greater emphasis on religion in government. Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, which already dominates parliament, says it won't mimic Saudi Arabia and force women to wear veils or implement harsh punishments like amputations. But it says it does want to implement a more moderate version of Islamic law, which liberals fear will mean limitations on many rights.

As was the case in the weeks leading up to the election and on the vote's opening day, the debate among the voters continued Thursday up till the last minute outside polling centers, something that points to the closeness of the race and the enthusiasm among Egyptians voting freely for their leader for the first time.

"I like the personality of Shafiq. He is strong enough to lift the country," said Suheir Abdel-Moamen, one of several women standing in line waiting to vote in the middle class Cairo district of el-Zawiya al-Hamra.

Somaiya Imam, still undecided on who to vote for, replied with a reference to Islamist candidates, saying: "Don't you think we should vote for the candidate who holds the Quran?"

"We voted for them before and they let us down. They want everything ? the presidency, parliament and government. They are never satisfied," Abdel-Moneim responded.

A woman standing behind the two chipped in: "But he (Shafiq) is a Mubarak associate."

Shafiq, a former air force chief and Mubarak's last prime minister until he too was forced out by protests, has been openly disparaging of the pro-democracy youth groups who led the uprising. Critics accuse him of being too cozy with the generals who took over from Mubarak, whose own reputation has been tainted by alleged human rights abuses and authoritarian tendencies.

But with his strongman image, he has appealed to Egyptians who crave stability and fear Islamists.

Shafiq was met by several dozen protesters screaming "down with the feloul" as he arrived to vote in an upscale neighborhood east of Cairo on Wednesday afternoon. Some protesters showed their contempt by holding up their shoes in his direction. On his way out, some mobbed him, swinging their shoes at him as his security hustled him into his car.

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