Saturday, July 27, 2013

US Kids Teen Golf Tournament kicks off in Pinehurst

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Georgia town to consider requiring residents to own guns

ATLANTA (Reuters) - Residents of a small Georgia town may soon be asked to keep guns in their homes, a proposal that comes as federal lawmakers argue for new limits on firearm ownership.

A city leader in Nelson, 50 miles north of Atlanta, said on Wednesday he proposed an ordinance calling on every head of household to have a gun as a way to keep crime down.

Nelson, home to 1,300 people, employs one police officer, who is only on duty at night, city councilman Duane Cronic told Reuters. When the officer is off duty during the day, residents must call local sheriff's officials if they need assistance, which he said can result in longer response times.

Cronic said his proposal is similar to an ordinance enacted by the nearby town of Kennesaw in 1982. There would be no penalty for not having a weapon, but the law would send a message to would-be criminals, he said.

"It would be a like putting a big security sign in your front yard," he said.

Cronic's proposal is being considered amid heated debate at the federal and state levels over U.S. gun control laws in the wake of a December shooting rampage that left 26 people dead at a Connecticut elementary school.

The fatal attack has prompted some states to tighten gun laws, while other states are seeking to keep federal gun measures from being applied within their borders.

The Nelson city council will vote on the gun ownership ordinance on April 1, Cronic said.

Crime in Nelson mostly consists of petty theft, Cronic said, and he hopes the gun ordinance will keep it that way.

"This is just a way to keep our crime rate low," he said.

(Editing by Colleen Jenkins)


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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cardinals impose media blackout ahead of conclave

VATICAN CITY (AP) ? In the end, American-style transparency was no match for the Vatican's obsession with secrecy.

Cardinals attending closed-door discussions ahead of the conclave to elect the next pope imposed a media blackout Wednesday, forcing the cancellation of the popular daily press briefings by U.S. cardinals that had provided crucial insights into the deliberations.

The official reason for the blackout was that some details of the secret discussions about the problems in the church appeared in the Italian newspaper La Stampa.

But speculation mounted that the underlying aim of the blackout was to silence the Americans, who have been vocal in their calls for disclosure about allegations of corruption and dysfunction in the Holy See's governance before they enter the conclave to elect a successor to Benedict XVI.

As a result, the conflict appears to be a microcosm of the likely battle lines heading into the election: American and German cardinals have indicated they want a pope who will impose some order on the Vatican's inner workings, while the Vatican-based cardinals are defending their record and seeking to end the discussion.

One Italian cardinal said the Curia, or the Vatican bureaucracy, had been sorely maligned and that he could "only say good things about it."

"In the Curia, the pope has a docile tool that does exactly what he wants and tries to help him in the best of ways," Italian media quoted Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo, the retired administrator of the Vatican City State as saying during a book launch Tuesday. "Of course it can always be improved."

That picture is at odds with evidence of turf battles, Machiavellian machinations and allegations of corruption and cronyism that were exposed last year when private papal documents were leaked to an Italian journalist. The documents paint a portrait of an utterly dysfunctional, ungovernable Italian bureaucracy.

The Vatican denied it had exerted any pressure on the American cardinals to keep quiet and cancel their briefings. But the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, made clear that the Holy See considered this week's pre-conclave meetings to be secret and part of a solemn process to choose a pope, suggesting that he didn't necessarily appreciate the Americans' candor.

"The College (of Cardinals) as a whole has decided to maintain a line of an increasing degree of reserve," he said.

The debate played out as the Vatican awaited the arrival of the last voting-age cardinal: Vietnamese Cardinal Jean-Baptiste Pham Minh Man, who was expected in Rome on Thursday. With his arrival, the College of Cardinals was expected to be able to set a date for the start of the conclave, where 115 men will select the next pontiff.

The spokeswoman for the U.S. cardinals, Sister Mary Ann Walsh, said Wednesday's briefing and all cardinal interviews were canceled after other cardinals expressed concern about the content of articles in Italian daily La Stampa, which over the past several days reported details of comments individual cardinals made in the closed-door meetings.

La Stampa reported Wednesday, for example, that the head of the Vatican's legal office had told the cardinals of the need for improved coordination among the various Vatican offices and better communication between the Holy See and local dioceses. None of those details came from the American briefing, where the U.S. cardinals took pains to stress the secrecy of the actual proceedings.

"I don't think anyone was angry at the Americans. They were angry at La Stampa," Walsh told The Associated Press.

"In true old-style Catholic school teacher fashion, someone talks and everybody stays after school," Walsh said. She added that the Americans had been assured that the Vatican was pleased with their briefings.

Perhaps. But Lombardi's palatable irritation suggested otherwise.

Italian media reported that Vatican-based cardinals wanted the election to take place quickly and speculated that Italian cardinals in particular were displeased with the Americans for making clear they were requesting more information about the Vatican's internal governance problems. The implication was the Rome-based cardinals didn't want the Vatican's dirty laundry aired out.

Cardinals Daniel DiNardo of Texas and Sean O'Malley of Boston said in Tuesday's briefing that they favored taking a longer time for pre-conclave discussions to gather more information.

"We need to give it the time that's necessary," O'Malley told the packed press conference at the North American College, the U.S. seminary up the hill from the Vatican. "I believe the feeling of the cardinals is that we want to have enough time in the general congregations so that when we go to the conclave itself it's a time of decision."

Drawing laughs, O'Malley added: "And it is hard to get a bad meal in Rome."

German Cardinal Walter Kasper also called for more time. "Among the cardinals, we barely know one another," he told La Repubblica newspaper. "There's no hurry."

Italian newspapers and international media, including The Associated Press, have reported on the Americans' unique briefings and how they contrasted with the near-silence from other cardinals and Lombardi's comparatively sedate Vatican briefings.

During Tuesday's briefing, DiNardo and O'Malley held a lively and informative 30-minute chat with some 100 reporters and two dozen television crews from around the globe. They revealed no details of their closed-door discussions. But they nevertheless provided journalists with insight about the process from two people actually involved.

"We're trying to help people have a greater understanding of what the process is and the procedures and background information," O'Malley told reporters. "Right now that's about all we can share with you but we're happy to try to do it."

Although the Americans were the only cardinals who were holding daily briefings, other individual cardinals have given occasional interviews to individual media.

And in an indication that the blackout wasn't total, U.S. Cardinal Timothy Dolan went ahead with his live radio show broadcast Wednesday.


Follow Nicole Winfield at


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Is James Franco A Sadist? Mila Kunis Seems To Think So

After eight films together, the actress reflects on her 'Oz the Great and Powerful' costar's multitasking.
By Kevin P. Sullivan, with reporting by Alicia Moore

Mila Kunis
Photo: MTV News


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Omega-3s Protect Against Skin Cancer | VitaMedica

Omega-3s Protect Against Skin CancerLove the sun but worried about the harmful effects it can have on your skin?? Adding omega-3 supplements as part of your skin care regimen may help protect against the most fearful of all skin conditions ? skin cancer.


The study by researchers at the University of Manchester was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, and it found that volunteers who were given omega-3 supplements showed an improved ability to defend against the potentially harmful effects of the sun.? It was the first study to investigate the effects of omega-3s on sun protection in humans.


Of the 79 participants, half were given 4g of omega-3 daily ? the equivalent to 1.5 servings of oily fish such as salmon or mackerel ? and half were given a placebo. They were then exposed to the equivalent of 8, 15, or 30 minutes of midday summer sunshine in Manchester through the use of a special light machine.?


Individuals who took the placebo pills had an immune system response that was half as strong as those supplemented with omega-3s when exposed to sunlight for 8 and 15 minutes, respectively.? This meant that the sunlight caused ?immunosuppression,? an inhibition of the body?s immune system, and reduced the skin?s ability to fight infection and skin cancer.?


At 30 minutes of sunlight exposure, there was no difference in immune response in either group.


Lead study author Lesley Rhodes, Professor of Experimental Dermatology at the Photobiology Unit Dermatology Centre of the University of Manchester says the findings are significant because research consistently shows that most people use sunscreens improperly or inadequately and not on a daily basis as they should.? However, omega-3 supplementation and increased consumption of oily fish is not a substitute for sunscreen and protective clothing, headgear, and eyewear.?


While not conclusive evidence of a protective effect, "This study adds to the evidence that omega-3 is a potential nutrient to protect against skin cancer. Although the changes we found when someone took the oil were small, they suggest that a continuous low level of chemoprevention from taking omega-3 could reduce the risk of skin cancer over an individual's lifetime,? says Rhodes.


The Bottom Line

We?ve all heard about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for cardiovascular and brain health, but this new study points to the benefits in skin health, adding to a long list that even includes slowing the signs of aging and reducing inflammation.


Best Omega-3 Supplements ? What to Look For (INFOGRAPHIC)


This is just another good reason to take fish oil ? an especially important one because skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S., with more than 3.5 million skin cancers diagnosed in over two million people annually.


Taking omega-3 supplements should be part of a comprehensive plan to try and thwart skin cancer.? Here are a few tips to keep skin cancer-free:


1.? Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays.

2.? Make sure your sunscreen has a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or more.

3.? Wear sunscreen under makeup for maximum protection, even when your makeup has sunscreen in it already.

4.? Always wear sunscreen when you are going outside, even on cloudy days that seem to have little sunlight, because the UV

???? rays are still present and can penetrate your skin up to 80%.

5.? Wear protective clothing (long sleeves), hats with wide brims, and sunglasses.

6.? Stay in the shade ? the sun?s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. so exercise caution during these hours.

7.? Use extra sunscreen on the sand or snow, as they reflect sunlight and can cause sunburns.

8.? Stay out of tanning beds!? Indoor tanners have a 69% increased risk of early-onset basal cell carcinoma, and people who

???? use a tanning bed before age 35 increase melanoma risk by 75%!


Keep your skin healthy and beautiful by protecting it.? After all, you know what they say about ?an ounce of prevention?!



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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Amazon's New Mobile Ad Network Is A Huge ... - Business Insider

Stay ahead of key mobile trends with BI Intelligence, Business Insider's new research and analysis service focused on the mobile industry. Access the full library of research, data, and charts. Sign up for your free trial today >>


Amazon's Jeff Bezos


Amazon launched a new mobile ad network this week, which will allow advertisers to run ads on mobile apps downloaded from Amazon's app store.

That doesn't sound too dramatic ? it's expected that users of Amazon's Kindle might see ads running on apps they got from Amazon.

But it's only when you understand the full specs of the new network that you realize what a huge potential threat to Google this could be: The ads will also run on any Android device that has downloaded apps from Amazon.

Android, of course, is Google's territory.

Currently, mobile ad revenue is poised to become the heart of Google's entire business. The company changed its ad buying interface to simplify ad buying across desktop and mobile devices. Advertisers expect that change to raise prices for Google ads. And CEO Larry Page has told Wall Street that he expects mobile ad prices to overtake desktop prices in the future. Notably, Google has also upped its game in the online shopping arena, pushing Amazon's search results further down the page.

In short, Google is girding itself for a mobile ad future, not a desktop future.


What Amazon's new mobile ads will look like

Now comes Amazon, running ads in mobile apps on Google's Android devices.

Here's the potential, per Adweek:

Imagine a women?s shoe brand being able to serve ads for a particular pair of heels only to women who have owned a similar pair, have ?purchased that pair years ago and need to replace them. That?s a possibility if Amazon can recognize app users and match them to their Amazon account. To do that the user would have at least needed to download the app through the Amazon Appstore.

The key here is that currently, Google cannot do anything like that. Amazon may know what shoes you bought in the past, Google does not. Being able to target ads at users with known purchase histories is a goldmine for advertisers.

Right now, Amazon's ad network can't target users that effectively, either. You can see the basic targeting options here, and they're modest (gender, location, and that's about it).?

But as long as Google allows anyone to use its Android phone operating system for free, there's not much it can do about Amazon stealing its eyeballs.

What Amazon doesn't know, however, is what users want to buy right now when they're not on Amazon. That information belongs largely to Google (when you search for Louboutins on Google, it's a pretty good indicator that you're in the market for a pair).

As we've noted before, the universe of information that advertisers need to target their ads is spread largely across three giants:

Amazon: Owns the best database of actual shopping history and purchases. This type of data is like gold for advertisers. Clients have long awaited the day when "the sleeping giant," as it is known in the ad biz, finally wakes up to advertisers. It also knows a lot about its consumers' identities, including addresses and credit card numbers.

Facebook: Owns the best database of personal information about consumers. 1 billion users strong, with all their interests and friends, it's terrifically useful stuff for marketers. But it doesn't know their purchase histories, or their future purchase desires.

Google: Has traditionally dominated the "purchase intent" sector of the category. When people search for "Star Wars DVD" online, that's a pretty good indicator they want to buy said movie. Google has been serving ads (and retargeting ads) against such requests for years. But its data on shoppers and their histories has never been as good as Amazon's or Facebook's.

In this scheme, Amazon appears to regard Google as the easiest competitor to attack. Google knows the least about its consumers (except when they want something right now). And while Facebook's user data is interesting, it's not the kind of e-commerce platform that threatens Amazon. Yet.

That's why?Amazon is now leveraging Google's assets against itself.

It's dealing with the biggest threat first.


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Blog - Bell Plumbing & Heating

Posted by Gary Bell

Kitchen Remodling in DenverWe spend a lot of time in our kitchens. Between cooking dinner, doing dishes and entertaining guests it is clear that this is one of the most important rooms in any house. Don?t you think that an area of your home that you use and value so much should reflect your style and sensibilities? Bell Plumbing & Heating is a full service remodeling company, and we can help you get the kitchen of your dreams. From design to demo and construction, Bell Plumbing & Heating does it all. Contact us today if you are ready to give your kitchen the attention it deserves. We have the products, services and skills necessary to give you the kitchen that you deserve.

Designing a kitchen remodeling plan can be difficult. There are a lot of different options, styles and materials out there. You want your kitchen to stand out and say something about yourself, but it must still meld with the rest of your home. This is why the advice and expertise of a professional kitchen remodeling contractor is so indispensable. At Bell Plumbing & Heating we are not satisfied until you are convinced that you have made all the right choices about the design of your new kitchen.

Never make the mistake of ordering parts, materials or fixtures out of a catalog or online. You will be seeing and using these items in your home every day. They deserve more attention than that. Bell Plumbing & Heating has a great solution. Simply drop by our state of the art, 8,500 sq. ft. showroom to view kitchen models available for installation in your Denver home. Located just off of I-25 and Iliff Ave, our showroom is loaded with the finest fixtures, tubs, faucets, accessories and HVAC equipment available. Come by today to check out all of the great kitchen remodeling options available to you.

Don?t put up with a drab kitchen any longer. Bell Plumbing & Heating can help you remodel your kitchen to be as unique as you. Come by our exceptional showroom today to start making decisions about remodeling your kitchen in Denver, CO.

Kitchen Remodling in Denver

Kitchen Remodling in Denver


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Friday, March 1, 2013

BDC Seminar Series: Massachusetts' Luxury Real Estate Market

Browse >
Home / Exciting Events, Featured / BDC Seminar Series: Massachusetts? Luxury Real Estate Market

Interested in the luxury housing market?? Charles Orr, Luxury Markets Expert with Coldwell Banker Previews International, will be our guest for the next BDC Seminar Series on Wednesday, March 13th from 11 am to 12 pm. Charles will discuss the areas of growth in the $1M+ market and what the trend-lines look like in key neighborhoods in Boston and beyond. As the high-end real estate market in eastern Massachusetts trends upward, so might potential design referrals.

Mr. Orr has been active with Coldwell Banker?s luxury marketing program, Previews International, in the northeast for 15 years. His experience prior to this, as a developer of commercial and residential properties, has given his an insight into building trends as well.

Please join us on Wednesday, March 13th from 11am?12pm on the Fifth Floor, Seminar Room of the Boston Design Center. A reception will immediately follow the presentation in 342, BDC Desinger?s Club, on the third floor. Please RSVP at 617.338.5072.



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Cancer risks higher in worst hit Fukushima area: WHO

GENEVA (Reuters) - People in the area worst affected by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident two years ago have a higher risk of developing certain cancers, the World Health Organisation said on Thursday.

A 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, killed nearly 19,000 people and devastated the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, triggering meltdowns, spewing radiation and forcing about 160,000 people to flee their homes.

"A breakdown of data, based on age, gender and proximity to the plant, does show a higher cancer risk for those located in the most contaminated parts," Dr. Maria Neira, WHO director for public health and environment, said in a statement.

In the most contaminated area, the WHO estimated that there was a 70 percent higher risk of females exposed as infants developing thyroid cancer over their lifetime. The thyroid is the most exposed organ as radioactive iodine concentrates there and children are deemed especially vulnerable.

The report concluded that for the general population inside Japan, the predicted health risks were low, but that one-third of emergency workers were estimated to have increased risk.

But there was no discernible increase in health risks expected outside Japan, the WHO in a 200-page report, which was based on a comprehensive assessment by international experts.

(Reporting by Stephanie Nebehay; Editing by Jon Boyle)


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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Obama urges court to overturn gay marriage ban

FILE - This Sept. 6, 2011 file photo shows a man walking past a group of people protesting against gay marriage outside a courtroom where the California Supreme Court was hearing arguments in San Francisco. The Obama administration is quietly considering urging the Supreme Court to overturn California?s ban on gay marriage, a step that could be a major political victory for advocates of same-sex unions. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg, File)

FILE - This Sept. 6, 2011 file photo shows a man walking past a group of people protesting against gay marriage outside a courtroom where the California Supreme Court was hearing arguments in San Francisco. The Obama administration is quietly considering urging the Supreme Court to overturn California?s ban on gay marriage, a step that could be a major political victory for advocates of same-sex unions. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg, File)

FILE - This July 16, 2011 file photo, shows Republican presidential candidate, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, speaking at a rally in West Valley City, Utah. Huntsman has come out in support of same-sex marriages. Huntsman, a Republican, wrote an essay for The American Conservative magazine calling on conservatives to push their states to allow all citizens to marry. Huntsman says his marriage has been his life's greatest joy and says there is "nothing conservative about denying other Americans the ability to forge that same relationship with the person they love." The article, titled "Marriage Equality Is a Conservative Cause," was published online Thursday. (AP Photo/Jim Urquhart, File)

(AP) ? In a historic argument for gay rights, President Barack Obama on Thursday urged the Supreme Court to overturn California's same-sex marriage ban and turn a skeptical eye on similar prohibitions across the country.

The Obama administration's friend-of-the-court brief marked the first time a U.S. president has urged the high court to expand the right of gays and lesbians to wed. The filing unequivocally calls on the justices to strike down California's Proposition 8 ballot measure, although it stops short of the soaring rhetoric on marriage equality Obama expressed in his inaugural address in January.

California is one of eight states that give gay couples all the benefits of marriage through civil unions or domestic partnership, but don't allow them to wed. The brief argues that in granting same-sex couples those rights, California has already acknowledged that gay relationships bear the same hallmarks as straight ones.

"They establish homes and lives together, support each other financially, share the joys and burdens of raising children, and provide care through illness and comfort at the moment of death," the administration wrote.

Obama's position, if adopted by the court, would likely result in gay marriage becoming legal in the seven other states: Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon and Rhode Island.

In the longer term, the administration urges the justices to subject laws that discriminate on sexual orientation to more rigorous review than usual, a standard that would imperil other state bans on same-sex marriage.

The brief marks the president's most expansive view of gay marriage and signals that he is moving away from his previous assertion that states should determine their own marriage laws. Obama, a former constitutional law professor, signed off on the administration's legal argument last week following lengthy discussions with Attorney General Eric Holder and Solicitor General Donald Verrilli.

In a statement following the filing, Holder said "the government seeks to vindicate the defining constitutional ideal of equal treatment under the law."

Friend-of-the-court briefs are not legally binding. But the government's opinion in particular could carry some weight with the justices when they hear oral arguments in the case on March 26.

Despite the potentially wide-ranging implications of the administration's brief, it still falls short of what gay rights advocates and the attorneys who will argue against Proposition 8 had hoped for. Those parties had pressed the president to urge the Supreme Court to not only overturn California's ban, but also declare all gay marriage bans unconstitutional.

Still, marriage equality advocates publicly welcomed the president's legal positioning.

"President Obama and the solicitor general have taken another historic step forward consistent with the great civil rights battles of our nation's history," said Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign and co-founder of the American Foundation for Equal Rights, which brought the legal challenge to Proposition 8.

The president raised expectations that he would back a broad brief during his inauguration address on Jan. 21. He said the nation's journey "is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law."

"For if we are truly created equal, than surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well," he added.

Obama has a complicated history on gay marriage. As a presidential candidate in 2008, he opposed the California ban but didn't endorse gay marriage. He later said his personal views on gay marriage were "evolving."

When he ran for re-election last year, Obama announced his personal support for same-sex marriage, but said marriage was an issue that states, not the federal government, should decide.

Public opinion has shifted in support of gay marriage in recent years.

In May 2008, Gallup found that 56 percent of Americans felt same-sex marriages should not be recognized by the law as valid. By last November, 53 percent felt they should be legally recognized.

Gay marriage supporters see the Supreme Court's hearing of Proposition 8, as well as a related case on the Defense of Marriage Act, as a potential watershed moment for same-sex unions.

In a well-coordinated effort, opponents of the California ban flooded the justices with friend-of-the-court briefs in recent days.

Among those filing briefs were 13 states, including four that do not now permit gay couples to wed, and more than 100 prominent Republicans, such as GOP presidential candidate Jon Huntsman and Florida Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.

Two professional football players who have been outspoken gay rights advocates also filed a brief in the California case. Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe and Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo urged the court to rule in favor of same-sex marriage.

One day after the Supreme Court hears the Proposition 8 case, the justices will hear arguments on provisions of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman for the purpose of deciding who can receive a range of federal benefits.

The administration abandoned its defense of the act in 2011, but the measure will continue to be federal law unless it is struck down or repealed.

In a brief filed last week, the government said Section 3 of the act "violates the fundamental constitutional guarantee of equal protection" because it denies legally married same-sex couples many federal benefits that are available only to legally married heterosexual couples.


Follow Julie Pace at and Mark Sherman at

Associated Press


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Friday, February 22, 2013

Engadget's Sony PlayStation event wrap-up broadcast: live from New York City!

The curtain has been opened, the kimono is off and everything has been revealed. Now it's time to break down all the news from Sony's PlayStation event and put it in context. Join Engadget's Tim Stevens and Joystiq's Ludwig Kietzmann in a live broadcast from New York City at the time below:

February 20, 2013 8:20 PM EST

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Winter storm pummels central US with snow and ice

How bad will the snow be in your neck of the woods? With the latest winter storm front barreling its way across the US, a traffic camera on I-70 in Kansas City, Mo., shows serious snow accumulation in a time-lapse video.

By Erin McClam and Matthew DeLuca, NBC News

Lumbering coast to coast, a winter storm hammered the Great Plains on Thursday, and more than a dozen more states were forecast to be hit in coming days.

Accidents were reported across the region, with one death: an Oklahoma teenager who was killed when his pickup truck skidded across a slushy road.

By early afternoon, more than 11 inches of snow had fallen on the ground in Wichita, Kan., the most in 26 years, and it was still snowing.

The Weather Channel said snow totals would be formidable: Up to a foot of snow for Omaha, Neb., 3 to 6 inches of snow and sleet for St. Louis, 8 to 12 inches of snow for Kansas City, Mo., and 3 to 6 inches of snow for Chicago.

Kansas and Missouri declared states of emergency as plows struggled to keep up with a system dumping as much as 3 inches of snow per hour, and a swath of the country from Ohio to Arkansas prepared for a coating of dangerous ice.

Full coverage from

?I do want to urge everybody in the state: If you don?t have to travel, don?t,? Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback said. ?Get out a board game, play with the kids, drink a cup of coffee.?

United, Southwest Airlines, AirTran Airways, American Airlines and American Eagle said they had canceled hundreds of flights for Thursday and Friday, and Kansas City International Airport closed altogether.

Raymore, Mo., reported more than 10 inches of snow. Topeka, Kan., had 9.2 inches, the most in a day since January 1993. Alva, Okla., had more than a foot on the ground.

Advisories for snow, ice, wind or rain were posted as far south as the Texas Panhandle, as far north as Minnesota and Wisconsin and as far east as the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.

Authorities urged drivers to slow to a crawl on Interstate 70, which forms a belt across Kansas and Missouri, or stay off the road altogether.

The speed of the snowfall is ?going to be overwhelming even the best snow-clearing capabilities that they have,? meteorologist Tom Niziol said on The Weather Channel. ?If you don?t have anywhere to go, don?t. Please don?t.?

PhotoBlog: Winter whiteout slams central U.S.

Along the Kansas-Nebraska state line, up to a foot and a half of snow was expected.

The University of Kansas closed for the day, as did schools in Wichita and Oklahoma City.

The storm is vast: Earlier this week, it closed roads and stranded cars in California and dusted cactus tops in Southwest. At a delayed tournament in Arizona, pro golfers threw snowballs at each other and retreated to the clubhouse for hot chocolate.

The same weather system could dump snow on New England for the third weekend in a row, and a stretch of Georgia and the Florida Panhandle could be doused by 7 inches of rain.

The storm was blamed for at least one death. An 18-year-old was killed Wednesday when his pickup skidded out of control in the slush on an Oklahoma state highway, crossed into oncoming traffic and was hit by a truck.

In Arkansas, a school bus taking kids home in the afternoon slid off a steep, snowy country road and crashed, leaving the driver and three students with minor injuries, Pope County Sheriff Aaron Duval told The Associated Press.

The storm was expected to pummel the Plains with heavy snow and ice for the rest of Thursday and move toward Chicago and Minneapolis on Friday.

A wintry mix of snow and ice was likely to come in the eastern side of the Appalachian Mountains, including parts of Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina, by Friday morning, The Weather Channel reported.

A massive winter storm is expected to move east from Kansas, where it is dumping 1 to 2 inches of snow per hour, threatening 20 states with snow and ice. TODAY's Al Roker reports.

This story was originally published on


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Talk:Speech Enabled Calculator For Windows Phone 8


Line 140: Line 140:





Vinay<p style="text-align:right">[[User:Vinayppatil|Vinayppatil]] 10:56, 21 December 2012 (EET)</p>


Vinay<p style="text-align:right">[[User:Vinayppatil|Vinayppatil]] 10:56, 21 December 2012 (EET)</p>


== Aakash95 - what a great wiki ==


excellent stuff here once again.<p style="text-align:right">[[User:Aakash95|Aakash95]] 04:49, 20 February 2013 (EET)</p>

Latest revision as of 04:49, 20 February 2013

Hamishwillee - Still supposed to be in draft?

Let me know when this is ready to be reviewed by removing the "Draft" category

hamishwillee 02:39, 7 December 2012 (EET)

Vinayppatil -

Yeah. Will be done today. Will let you know.



vinayppatil 05:48, 7 December 2012 (EET)

Vinayppatil - Done with wiki

Hi Hamish,

I am done with creating this wiki page. Removed draft category as well. It is open for review now.



vinayppatil 06:25, 7 December 2012 (EET)

Hamishwillee - Thanks, hope to review tomorrow

Thanks, I hope to review tomorrow

Note, matchedOpernad is probably typo - matchedOperand

I've been thinking about this and I think the single digit calculator is pretty straightforward. The hard bit will be handling larger numbers like 134545 - since presumably you need to define all the possible <ListenFor> {number1} {operator} {number2} </ListenFor>

{number1}{number2}{number3}{number4} {operator} {number5}{number6} etc and all possible variants for the different number of numbers that might be specified.

You might be better off for this case using voice commands only to trigger off a speach to text session, then manually parse the output. A bit annoying you can't get the contents of a wildcard, as that would make this simpler.



hamishwillee 08:32, 12 December 2012 (EET)

Hamishwillee - Subedit/Review

HI Vinay

OK, I have given this a basic subedit for Wiki style and English. The main change is to the structure - I've more clearly separated the "basic calculator" and voice control stuff. I know it is tempting to have the "main selling point first" but it doesn't work too well, if you then go on talking about the other bits. I've also fixed typographic errors. Please check you're still happy

I don't really like the "Voice Commands Overview" because it isn't very clear. Not sure best way to improve it (I tidied a little bit).

I propose renaming, because its useful to include the platform (WP) in the name. Something like "Talking Calculator for Windows Phone" or "Speech enabled Calculator for Windows Phone"

In terms of implemenation, do you need to define both number1 and number2 in the phrase list - can't you just do:

<ListenFor> {number} {operator} {number} </ListenFor>  

If so this is good.

In terms of suggestions, I think that the best thing you could do is not leave "support for bigger numbers" to the user to implement, since this is the "hard" technical problem. I have no idea of the best way to do this - even just adding support for two numbers is hard, and the below assumes that people have to enter eleven as one one.

{number} {operator} {number} {number}  {number} {operator} {number} {number} {operator} {number} {number} {number} {number} {operator} {number} {number} 

Otherwise thanks, well written. Regards


hamishwillee 06:20, 13 December 2012 (EET)

Vinayppatil - Thanks

Hi Hamish,

Thanks for reviewing the code. I am very happy with the changes you made. And thanks for suggesting names for this wiki page. Even i was not too happy with the name. I will change it soon.

<ListenFor> {number} {operator} {number} </ListenFor>

If we do this it will be difficult to fetch parameters from the query string.

Also regarding "support for bigger numbers", yes it is complex in terms of implementation that's why i had included it in "TODO" section. But i will see if i can include it here. I am also adding speech recognition support in this wiki.



vinayppatil 08:34, 13 December 2012 (EET)

Hamishwillee - Thanks!

>If we do this it will be difficult to fetch parameters from the query string. 

Of course, makes perfect sense. It might be worth adding a Note explaining this (completely up to you)

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! A solution to the support for bigger numbers problem would certainly set this article apart.



hamishwillee 01:41, 14 December 2012 (EET)

Vinayppatil - Wiki modified

Hi Hamish,

I modified the whole logic. As per your suggestions now voice commands can only invoke the app and speech input is taken using Speech Recognition instead of Voice Commands.

And RegExp helped me solve problem with bigger numbers. Have a look at Parsing_Matched_Commands

It will be of great help if you can review the added content as i did it in very short time.



vinayppatil 10:43, 14 December 2012 (EET)

Vinayppatil - Changed title

Hi Hamish,

Also i moved "Taking Calculator" to "Speech Enabled Calculator For Windows Phone 8". Kindly change it in competition entries section.



vinayppatil 12:12, 14 December 2012 (EET)

Hamishwillee - I don't have time to subedit sorry

However I have reviewed, and I like your improvements.

If I had to make one suggestion, it would be describing how your article works - ie uses both recognition and voice commands (and why) as part of the introduction or of the introduction to section - because the reasons you did this are interesting and important. Something for you to think about - not part of the competition.



hamishwillee 06:12, 19 December 2012 (EET)

Hamishwillee - or to clarify ...

We know that the voice commands only allow you to create a very inflexible calculator. This is worth stating, so that people understand why you've just used them to start the app. You don't say this anywhere.

hamishwillee 06:16, 19 December 2012 (EET)


I have no idea how but i missed your comments made on 19 dec and reading them now. Will make the changes ASAP.



vinayppatil 08:15, 21 December 2012 (EET)

Vinayppatil - Included changes

Hi Hamish, Included the changes in [Introduction] and [Why Use Speech Recognition] sections.



vinayppatil 10:56, 21 December 2012 (EET)

Aakash95 - what a great wiki

excellent stuff here once again.

Aakash95 04:49, 20 February 2013 (EET)


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BP vows to "vigorously defend" itself at US oil spill trial

CHICAGO: British energy giant BP vowed Tuesday to "vigorously defend" itself in court next week against US government claims for "excessive" fines in the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster.

Prosecutors shot back with a warning that they will be fighting for the stiffest penalties possible at a blockbuster trial which opens Monday with tens of billions of dollars at stake.

"The United States is fully prepared for trial," Wyn Hornbuckle, a spokesman for the US Department of Justice, told AFP.

"We intend to prove that BP was grossly negligent and engaged in willful misconduct in causing the oil spill."

The mammoth trial in a New Orleans, Louisiana federal courthouse consolidates scores of remaining lawsuits stemming from the worst environmental disaster to strike the United States.

The first phase of the trial will focus on liability for the April 20, 2010 explosion that sank the BP-leased Deepwater Horizon drilling rig off the coast of Louisiana.

The blast killed 11 people and unleashed millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf, blackening beaches in five states and crippling tourism and fishing industries.

It took 87 days to cap BP's runaway well in a tragedy that riveted the nation.

BP is fighting civil penalties which could amount to as much as $21 billion if gross negligence is found.

"Gross negligence is a very high bar that BP believes cannot be met in this case," Rupert Bondy, group general counsel at BP, said in a statement.

"This was a tragic accident, resulting from multiple causes and involving multiple parties."

In addition to fighting the federal government over environmental fines, BP is also seeking to shift some of the liability to its subcontractors, drilling rig operator Transocean and Halliburton, which was responsible for the well's faulty cement job.

BP pleaded guilty in November to criminal charges -- including felony manslaughter -- and agreed to pay a record $4.5 billion in criminal fines.

It reached a $7.8 billion settlement early last year that will cover the bulk of the outstanding private claims for economic loss, property damage and medical problems.

It has paid out $10 billion to businesses, individuals and local governments impacted by the spill and spent more than $14 billion on the response and cleanup.

BP also remains on the hook for billions in additional damages, including the cost of environmental rehabilitation.

But while it was willing to settle the civil charges on "reasonable terms" BP said it will not accept the US government's assertion of gross negligence, or its estimation of how much oil was spilled.

"Faced with demands that are excessive and not based on reality or the merits of the case, we are going to trial," Bondy said in the statement.

"We have confidence in our case and in the legal team representing the company and defending our interests."

In a preview of an argument that will not reach trial until the second phase begins later this year, BP said the official US government estimate that 4.9 million barrels of oil was unleashed from the runaway well was "overstated" by at least 20 percent.

"BP believes that a figure of 3.1 million barrels should be the uppermost limit of the number of barrels spilled that should be used in calculating a Clean Water Act penalty," it said.

Meanwhile, the judge overseeing the consolidated trial on Tuesday approved a $1 billion settlement for civil penalties against rig operator Transocean.

The decision came after a $400 million settlement of criminal penalties against the Swiss drilling giant was approved last week.

Transocean pleaded guilty to one criminal count of violating the Clean Water Act and agreed to pay the $400 million fine for negligence that led to the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig.

The $1 billion civil penalty is for fines related to the oil spilled into the Gulf.

It is also responsible for implementing measures to improve operational safety and emergency response capabilities at all their drilling rigs working in waters of the United States.



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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Body pulled from wreckage after Kansas City explosion

NBC News

Crews work near the smoldering remains at the scene of an explosion in Kansas City, Mo., on Feb. 20.

By Matthew DeLuca, Staff Writer, NBC News

Authorities pulled a body Wednesday from the wreckage of a landmark restaurant in Kansas City, Mo., where a natural gas explosion caused a spectacular fire.

At least 14 people were injured Tuesday night when a blaze tore through JJ?s Restaurant, part of an upscale business and shopping district.?Searchers with cadaver dogs had sifted through the rubble for hours overnight looking for the lone person missing, a woman who worked at the restaurant.

The cause of the gas explosion remained under investigation. A statement released by Missouri Gas Energy said early indications were that a contractor doing underground work struck a natural gas line.

More than 100 firefighters responded to the 6 p.m. blast at JJ?s Restaurant in Country Club Plaza, an upscale business and shopping district of Kansas City. Flames shot up through the night sky, destroying the renowned Midwest dining spot as firefighters worked in below-freezing temperatures.?The fire was largely under control a couple of hours later.

?JJ?s Restaurant is totally gone,? Kansas City Fire Department Chief Paul Berardi said.?

David Frantz?, the restaurant owner's brother, said the loss of the beloved eatery is a major blow to the city.

"My brother just spent 27 years of his life running this business. He's built it into one of the fine restaurants in Kansas City," Frantz? said. "To come down here and to see a hole in the ground in flames is a pretty staggering experience."

Nearby residences and apartments suffered damage after the explosion and blaze, authorities said,?including a building adjacent to the restaurant with a collapsed wall.

?There will be scattered damage throughout the immediate vicinity of the incident,? James said.

It was at first thought that two people might be missing in the blaze, but authorities said that one of those people was located at St. Luke?s Hospital around midnight.?

With a major winter storm approaching, rescuers moved in heavy construction equipment on Wednesday to lift fallen debris, which was three to four feet thick over the floor of the destroyed eatery, Berardi said.

Witnesses told NBC station KSHB that they smelled natural gas in the area of the restaurant at least an hour before the explosion.?

?KCFD are on the scene and will conduct a thorough investigation of what caused the explosion,? Berardi said. ?We will continue to bring out the dogs and clear that scene and then an investigation will occur.?

JJ?s has been in business since 1985, and was widely regarded as a premier city dining location, earning a 93 rating from Zagat?s. The restaurant?s wine cellar had been listed by The Wine Spectator as among the finest in the world.

Authorities are still searching for possible victims after a natural gas explosion outside a popular restaurant sparked a five-alarm fire that injured at least 14 people. NBC's John Yang reports.

This story was originally published on


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NASA briefly loses all contact with space station

WASHINGTON (AP) ? NASA says the International Space Station has lost contact with NASA controllers in Houston. Officials say the six crew members and station are fine and they expect to fix the problem soon.

NASA spokesman Josh Byerly (BYE'ehr'lee) said something went wrong around 9:45 a.m. EST Tuesday during a computer software update on the station. The outpost abruptly lost all communication, voice and command from Houston.

About an hour later, while flying over Russia, station commander Kevin Ford was able to briefly radio Moscow that all was well and they were working on the problem.

Byerly said the problem should be fixed today. Until then, astronauts can talk with Moscow control for a few minutes every 90 minutes.


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Colorado House passes gun-control measures (reuters)

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U.N. keeping a list of Syrian war crimes suspects

GENEVA (Reuters) - Syrians in "leadership positions" who may be responsible for war crimes have been identified, along with units accused of perpetrating them, United Nations investigators said on Monday.

Both government forces and armed rebels are committing war crimes, including killings and torture, spreading terror among civilians in a nearly two-year-old conflict, they said.

The investigators' latest report, covering the six months to mid-January, was based on 445 interviews conducted abroad with victims and witnesses, as they have not been allowed into Syria.

The independent team, led by Brazilian Paulo Pinheiro, called on the U.N. Security Council to "act urgently to ensure accountability" for grave violations, possibly by referring the violators to the International Criminal Court for prosecution.

"The ICC is the appropriate institution for the fight against impunity in Syria. As an established, broadly supported structure, it could immediately initiate investigations against authors of serious crimes in Syria," the 131-page report said.

It added: "Individuals may also bear criminal responsibility for perpetuating the crimes identified in the present report. Where possible, individuals in leadership positions who may be responsible were identified alongside those who physically carried out the acts."

Karen Konig AbuZayd, one of the four commissioners on the team of some two dozen experts, told Reuters: "We have information suggesting people who have given instructions and are responsible for government policy. People who are in the leadership of the military, for example."

"It is the first time we have mentioned the ICC directly. The Security Council needs to come together and decide whether or not to refer the case to the ICC. I am not optimistic."

But its third list of suspects, building on lists drawn up in the past year, remains secret. It will be entrusted to U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, upon expiry of its current mandate at the end of March, the report said.

Pillay, a former judge at the ICC, said on Saturday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should be probed for war crimes and called for immediate action by the international community, including possible military intervention.

"The evidence collected sits in the safe in the office of the High Commissioner against the day it might be referred to a court and evidence would be examined by a prosecutor," said a European diplomat.

The death toll in Syria is likely approaching 70,000 people, Pillay told the Security Council last week in a fresh appeal for it to refer Syria to the ICC, the Hague-based war crimes court.

Government forces have carried out shelling and aerial bombardment across Syria including Aleppo, Damascus, Deraa, Homs and Idlib, the independent U.N. investigators said, citing corroborating evidence gathered from satellite images.

"In some incidents, such as in the assault on Harak, indiscriminate shelling was followed by ground operations during which government forces perpetrated mass killing," it said, referring to a town in the southern province of Deraa where residents told them that 500 civilians were killed in August.


"Government forces and affiliated militias have committed extra-judicial executions, breaching international human rights law. This conduct also constitutes the war crime of murder. Where murder was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, with knowledge of that attack, it is a crime against humanity," the U.N. report said.

They have targeted queues at bakeries and funeral processions, in violence aimed at "spreading terror among the civilian population", it said.

"Syrian armed forces have implemented a strategy that uses shelling and sniper fire to kill, maim, wound and terrorize the civilian inhabitants of areas that have fallen under anti-government armed group control," the report said.

Government forces had used cluster bombs, it said, but it found no credible evidence of either side using chemical arms.

Rebel forces fighting to topple Assad in the protracted and increasingly sectarian conflict have committed war crimes include murder, torture, hostage-taking and using children under age 15 in hostilities, the U.N. report said.

"They continue to endanger the civilian population by positioning military objectives inside civilian areas," it said. Rebel snipers had caused "considerable civilian casualties".

"The violations and abuses committed by anti-government armed groups did not, however, reach the intensity and scale of those committed by government forces and affiliated militia."

Foreign fighters, many of them from Libya, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt, have radicalized the rebels and helped detonate deadly improvised explosive devices, it said.

The two other commissioners are former chief ICC prosecutor Carla del Ponte and Vitit Muntarbhorn of Thailand.

"It is an investigative mechanism and its evidence can be given to relevant judicial authorities when the time comes. In the interim, it is the one piece of U.N.-approved machinery shining a light on abuses," the European diplomat said.

Referring to del Ponte, who joined in September, the diplomat said: "She brings a harder-edged prosecutorial lens so when they are looking at the evidence she is very well placed to know what sort of evidence would assist a later judicial process."

(Reporting by Stephanie Nebehay; Editing by Alistair Lyon)


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Numbers and insights from comScore on the Indian eCommerce ...

In this day and age of information where data is king, opinions and feelings have no place if data disagrees with them. Because data is absolute. On Saturday, February 16, at eSparks event, world?s premier business intelligence provider, comScore?s India director, Kedar Gavane de-mystified the eCommerce space in India with the help of data. Kedar?s talk had some interesting facts and numbers about the state of eCommerce in India. Here?s a snapshot -


India, the fastest growing eCommerce market in the world

Between December 2011 and December 2012, India saw a 50% growth in the number of Internet users. With 139 million Internet users, India accounts for 75 billion pageviews worldwide. Indians spend 52 billion minutes on the internet and last year alone, India added 15 million eCommerce users. eCommerce growth in India has also been directly proportional to Internet penetration in India.

Kedar revealed that India has leap-frogged Brazil and Russia to become the fifth largest eCommerce market in the world, behind China, Japan, Germany and USA. As of December 2012, India had 44 million online retail visitors which is only 62% reach of e-commerce among online users. The worldwide average is around 73%.

User demographics ? Age and gender

75% of India?s eCommerce users are below the age of 35. More number of transactors fall in the 35 ? 44 age group. The younger Kedar 1segments, which is anybody below the age of 35 are the dominant population in the Indian online space. These younger users interact more with the site and post reviews about products, engage with these companies on social media and such. Kedar said there is also an increase in visitor loyalty ? the Indian eCommerce user makes six visits a month to an eCommerce site. Off which 60% users are men and 40% women, which is consistent across all categories of products.

Entry points ? where do eCommerce users come from?

In his presentation, Kedar shared that over 95% of eCommerce come from social media portals. The second largest source for eCommerce users is search. Other popular sources among eCommerce users include entertainment sites, news sites, e-mail and jobs sites.
Kedar also revealed that online retail has 1.5 times more reach than online travel. Social media marketing and SEO which has been conventional online marketing techniques will continue to be so. Kedar also revealed that social media will continue to be used for branding and to build a following.

Payments ? the preferred means and the future

Cash on delivery (COD) continues to be the preferred method of payment for most eCommerce transactions in India ? upto 58% of all Indian eCommerce transactions are paid via COD.
The next most preferred payment method is through debit/credit cards(Visa ? 11% and MasterCard ? 18%), followed direct debit and net banking. Kedar also pointed out that COD is on the decline and more customers are taking to debit/credit card transactions and 2013 could be the year when the skews change.

Kedar 2COD was the catalyst that gave a boost to the Indian eCommerce market. And as the industry matures in metros, COD may open opportunities for companies to tap customers in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. In Tier 1 cities adoption of online methods of payments can improve, provided the payment systems are made more reliable and penetration of credit/debit cards increase.

Winning categories now and for the future

Consumer electronics is the most successful eCommerce category in India and because of the nature of products, comparison shopping has also seen an upsurge in the recent past. Fast on its heels, is the fashion category. Apparel as a sub-category has seen the highest growth across all eCommerce categories ? a whopping 208%, said Kedar. Other categories like home furnishing, healthcare and movie ticketing are all potential winners in the near future, which have seen a 100% growth last year alone.

India?s top eCommerce sites

On the basis of unique visitors Jabong, Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra and Indiatimes shopping are the Top 5 eCommerce sites in India. Each record over 5 million unique visitors per month, with Jabong leading the pack at 11.6 million followed by Flipkart and Amazon with 10.7 million each. Collectively, these five e-tailers cater to 26 million online shoppers, more than a half of total number of online eCommerce visitors in India alone.

Kedar concluded his session saying eCommerce leaders in India mainly belong to the electronics and apparel and the Top 5 are horizontal players, who have offerings across categories. Aggressive marketing and category expansion have also been important pillars of growth of these players.

Download Kedar?s complete presentation at eSparks here.?

Check out comScore and learn more about their business analytics products here

We at thank E-Sparks Title Sponsor, Microsoft, Financial Technology Partner, Intuit, Associate Sponsors, ReferralCandy and Aramex and Exhibitor, Moolya.


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