Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Communications Coaching with Kem Meyer | Life After Radio

When people ask me what I?ve been learning from Kem Meyer at the Communications Strategy Coaching Network of Wired Churches, I always have to pause and think how best to describe the experience.

When our group of eight, known as Team Diggity, met for the first time the first week of March at Granger Community Church, we were strangers in a room who had one thing in common ? we were all communications managers with titles like director and coordinator. Our job descriptions, similar; our organizations, different; our tenures, varied. The longest in his role, twelve years; the youngest, one month.

I thought it was a stretch when coaching facilitator and author of ?Less Clutter. Less Noise.,? Kem, announced within our first fifteen minutes together that we ?would become friends whether we liked it or not.? While my first impression was that I was in a room with competent, confident communicators, their turning into my friends didn?t feel likely. I thought we?d be acquaintances on Facebook and Twitter, and in our private Google site, at best.

My mind was radically changed over dinner our first night when Kem had us tell our stories where our faith journey began. We went from an entire day of finding out who we and our organizations were, to vulnerably talking about how and where our most intimate and eternity-shaping relationship began.

Because we have only two days together each coaching session over three months (March, April and May), our sessions are packed with speakers and discussions. We?ve gotten to read books and meet and question their authors, and we?ve gotten to hear about our victories and struggles ? and the cast and characters that are part of our stories ? at work. Think group therapy/counseling versus seminar/classroom. Kem facilitates the sessions versus teaches. She asks thought-provoking questions and we provide our insights.

We?ve been learning from each other versus learning exclusively from Kem. But it takes a Kem to adeptly facilitate our discussions. Her constant questions ??What do you think about this?? and ?What I?m hearing is?. Would you agree?? ? has made our coaching not about her, and all about us. We challenge each other; we inspire each other; we encourage each other. Kem drives our conversations as we discuss and answer questions, and discuss answers to questions.

Less Clutter. Less Noise.

The time flies over the two days that we?re together, and then suddenly we?re all on flights or car rides back to our homes and organizations, braver, smarter, and hopefully wiser from picking each other?s brains and hearts. We go back to our offices and sit at our desks with more clarity and courage to be better at what we do, staying tethered to each other?s thoughts and insights via our Team Diggity email correspondence as comrades and yes, friends.

May cannot get here fast enough with our final two days together.

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