Sunday, December 23, 2012

Reducing Car Travel As Effective As Cutting Calories? -

weekly review1 Reducing Car Travel As Effective As Cutting Calories?cutting calories driving Reducing Car Travel As Effective As Cutting Calories?With some great health & fitness articles out there this week, it was hard to sift through them all to decide what to highlight. Since it?s getting colder and the holidays are here, it gets harder to get moving this time of year.

So, this Saturday, it?s all about exercise: we?ve got pieces about exercise and detox, exercise and national security, exercise and partners, and finally, about exercise and electricity.


1. Can Exercise Detoxify The Body? Health Experts Are Skeptical (Reuters)

There is a lot of talk out there about a relationship between detoxification and exercise, but does one exist? This article discusses why some people believe that exercise has a positive influence on ridding our bodies of toxins, but that many experts aren?t convinced there is enough evidence for this. As the article states, exercise is important because it enables our body to do what it is made to do, whether or not it ?detoxes? our bodies.

2. Memphis ? Most Obese U.S. City, Moving From Fat To Fit (CNN)

One man, after receiving news he had diabetes from being overweight, began his own ?Biggest Loser? ? and involved his whole city. While Memphis is one of the US?s most obese cities, there is hard work going on to change this & at the moment, it seems to be paying off.

3. Obesity As A National Security Issue (Aiken Standard)

Being overweight is currently the primary reason that civilian military recruits are deemed medically unfit for service & apparently it?s not just a new issue; the same reason was recorded during both WWI and WWII. This article suggests that the changes need to come from the school system, and what it could mean if physical fitness and performance is not improved on. Whether you are looking at it from a security standpoint or not, physical fitness is important for all of us to keep us healthy.

4. Simply Gluten Free Holiday Issue A Success (Simply Gluten Free)

Simply Gluten Free launched their inaugural magazine for the holidays at Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, Whole Foods, and hundreds of health food store across America. We?ve gotten word that reception for the magazine has been exceptional.


1. Study: Exercising With Physically Superior Partners Makes You Better (The Atlantic)

A study run with one exerciser paired with a simulation shows that when placed on a team individuals perform better than they would on their own. Not only is the study conducted in an interesting fashion, this is a great idea for those of us who are looking for some motivation to work out just a little harder, a little longer. Team up with a partner & see where it takes you!

2. Integrating Technology Into Standard Weight Loss Treatment (JAM Network)

A recent study asks whether the outcome of physician-directed weight loss treatment can be improved by adding mobile technology. Since apps & fitness tech has become so ubiquitous, you?d think the answer is yes ? and it was: technology can enhance short-term weight loss in combination with an existing system of care. So if you?ve been debating whether to use that app or not, now might be a good time to give one a try!

3. Reducing Car Travel As Effective As Cutting Calories (Medical News Daily)

This article makes the point that our daily car rides & calories ingested are directly linked to body weight, and states that driving even one mile less a day could be linked to a decreased BMI. While the research isn?t finite, there is no question that simply paying attention to caloric intake in addition to moving more can help reduce BMI.


Gym Converts Workouts Into Electricity (CNN)

A free outdoor gym paid for by the city council? That?s what happened in Hull, where this gym converts the power generated by peoples? workouts into electricity. Whether it spreads to more places remains to be seen, but is a cool concept for both green energy and our health!

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