Sunday, September 16, 2012

CONTEST: WIN a Personal History Package. How? | Historic ...

Looking for a meaningful holiday gift, wedding gift, or just want to go on an adventure of self-discovery where you are connected to the characters in the story? You couldn?t do better than shaking your family tree.

How can you love anyone or anything if your acquaintance is only surface level superficial? One of the reasons this website exists is to help Indianapolitans fall more deeply in love with Indianapolis by knowing it more intimately. Indianapolis has amazing stories to tell. Let?s look at the past, not just as simple nostalgia, but as an instructor, an inspiration point, and an optimistic ?we?ve done it before, we can do it again,? mentality.

Knowing your own story greatly improves your ability to connect with wherever you are and more importantly, wIth who you are. Climbing your family tree fosters appreciation for the world around you in a way you couldn?t otherwise know. Your third great grandfather fought in the Civil War? Suddenly, those Civil War documentaries compel your interest, as you look for connections to your family, and hence, to you.

Your unexplained proclivities feel more significant when you find an echo from the past. For example: my father was always artistic; he painted cartoonish characters, built shelves and made stained glass doors for our home?s kitchen. I?d all but forgotten about that until delving into my family tree. Upon discovering the Indiana Historical Society held something in their archives from my 5th great grandfather, Samuel, my memory awakened. Samuel?s account book chronicled travels (and pricing) revealing him as a furniture maker throughout Indiana in the 1830?s. Suddenly my father?s little workshop came back to me. To this day, I examine historic furniture in second hand shops in search of a hint of my grandfather?s initials or name.

We are all connected to every story?it?s just a matter of how, and how far removed. I encourage you to give yourself the gift of exploring your tree and see if it doesn?t change and enrich your understanding of the world and yourself.

With that in mind, we have a contest going with Kinship Genealogy through the month of September. So! How can you WIN a Personal History Package?

From 9/10-9/16 ?TO ENTER:? you must be a fan of Historic Indianapolis on facebook AND leave a comment on any story on this website. (Comments are date and time stamped)

From 9/17-9/23?TO ENTER: you must be a fan of Historic Indianapolis on facebook AND post on the HI facebook wall about why/ what you love about this website

From 9/24-9/30?TO ENTER: you must be a fan of Historic Indianapolis on facebook AND post on the HI facebook wall why you want to win this package from Kinship Genealogy. Then get others to vote for your post by ?liking? it. (The person with the most Likes will get an extra prize).

All participants will be entered into a random drawing on October 1, 2012. Winner will be announced on Facebook and contacted.

If you?re more into the sure deal, check out Kinship Genealogy?s website.

Any questions? Please let me know!




guy fieri ryan braun bryce harper may day stoudemire jordan hill tony nominations

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