Monday, September 24, 2012

Facebook Groups...The New Online Dating Website

online dating

We all know that when it comes to Facebook and relationships, the two just don?t go together. Facebook has ended more relationships than Superhead did in the 90?s. In divorce proceedings facebook drama has been used as evidence. Facebook ruins lives, but it?s also beginning to enrich the lonely. I?ve realized that Facebook Groups are the new form of online dating. Join the right group and your social calendar will be filled like never before, hence a better way to meet people. The question I have is facebook dating equivalent to facebook breakups? If you allow facebook to hook you up is it easier for facebook to break you up?

I?m actually a member of a few facebook groups and I can honestly say I can see why it?s so easy for people to hook up. If you?re active in a particular group you sort of create a bond with a few members. Although you?ve probably never met most of them, you have a few that you can kick it with online. ?Based off of you pics, conversation and your relationship status the inbox pimpin begins. Now I ain?t against inbox pimpin?if anything it makes the work day go by faster, but I?ve seen and read the thirst and it amuses me. The thing about inbox pimpin is that if you?re being inboxed, imagine how many other women in the group getting the same messages from these men? Either way their messages may hit a spot and then the realness happens. Many people in these facebook groups decide to hang out on an individual basis away from the group. Now this is usually done in secret because ?they don?t want everyone all up in their business.? Now if things are cool in person that?s when the relationship starts. Either it?s a sexual one or one where they?re really trying to get to know one another outside of the internet.

A lot of these relationships turn out to be sexual ones because with all the freedom of speech in these groups, folks can tell who?s sexually frustrated and who?s not. If you exhibit frustration then chances are you will be accosted with offers of penis and whatnot. If it?s a genuine attraction then you never know what can come of it, but you also have to keep an open mind of where it possibly will not go. If you do end up in a relationship and things are beautiful then that?s wonderful. What happens if things end and you?re both still members in this group? Can you agree to FB group chat amicably? Should one person leave the group or should you both decide to leave? It can become very messy being in an open forum group with someone you had a relationship with, especially if it ended badly.

I?m not opposed to dating within Facebook, but at the same time you have to agree not to allow Facebook be the demise of your relationship. The people in these relationships allow social media *not only facebook* to ruin their relationships. Your relationship has to be stronger than the shit found on the internet. It?s so easy to get into messy shit on the internet, but you can control it if you choose to. So if you?re in search of something that can possibly fun then join one of these facebook groups. The main goal is to not expect much, but if you get something popping then enjoy it for what it is and just go with the flow. You never know where it might lead.

Holla at me: Have you ever started dating someone you met on Facebook? How did it go??

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