Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Every once in a while, I post on Facebook something to the effect of - "FIRST FIVE PEOPLE TO LIKE THIS STATUS WILL HAVE A STORY WRITTEN ABOUT THEM!" followed by some random prompts, off the top of my head.

This time, it was superheroes, and heartburn. It took me almost a month, but I finally have finished a short story based on that concept, starring five of my friends - one of whom is, believe it or not, Script (Global Moderator team leader) himself!

So sit back, enjoy. I'll be posting this in parts.


"Tensions rise with the Infinity Five - over much more than the last slice of pizza."

I wasn?t sure if the place was packed because Trennorville?s Infinity Five had decided to stop by for lunch, or if we had stopped by because it was packed. Either way, five ?gifted? young adults dressed in outlandish costumes sat around a rounded table, enjoying the weather, and each other?s company.

And the pizza. Holy cow. It was Australian in recipe, I guess, but so delicious. Crunchy crust. Perfect pepperoni. Absolutely to die for.

And there was only one slice left.

?Man, that was really good,? Ben began, patting his stomach. He used his other hand to clean his teeth with one of his shuriken.

?Didn?t think I?d like it, or whatever, but it?s pretty good,? Kristen set her dull yellow glass down with a thump. Her eyes were bright and alert on the last slice of pizza.

?Me neither,? I used the pretense of adjusting my chair to scoot closer to the table.

?We had to come check it out eventually. Can?t avoid hearing about it,? Sam shuffled through his deck of throwing cards. He began dealing them by suit on the table, taking care to snap each card as he released it. He was shooting furtive glances as the last slice of pizza from below the brim of his top hat.

Jordan did not say a word. He was hunched over the table, fingers laced together, brows furrowed - quiet as always. He made no pretense about staring at the last slice of pizza.

It was time to state the painfully obvious.

?Does anyone want that?? I asked in an offhand manner, pointing at the last slice.

All eyes locked on me.

?I?ll take it, if no one else wants it,? Kristen said, as though doing us a great favor. She reached forward.

?Well, if you?re full...? Ben lowered his shuriken.

?Here, let?s do it fairly!? Sam cut in, and we all looked at him expectantly. He collected his cards in one grand sweep, then fanned them out face-down for all of us to see. ?Just pick a card, and--?

?I?ll vacuum for a week!? Kristen challenged.

I smirked. ?You mean another you will vacuum for a week.?

?You?re tiny, you don?t need food,? Jordan said quietly to Kristen. He then patted his stomach. ?I, on the other hand, am a growing boy.?

Ben snorted. ?Growing boy? You?re dead, dude, what are you gonna do with nutrients??

?For the last time!? Jordan?s expression darkened. He leaned closer to the table. ?I am not dead. I am undead. There is a big difference.?


?Whatever, man,? Jordan folded his arms over his broad chest, nodding at the throwing star in Ben?s hand. ?Just go on throwing your little ninja star things?

Ben scowled. ?They?re not ninja star things. They?re called shuriken, and they are deadly instruments of--?

?Wow, sorry,? Jordan raised his hands in mock repentance, ?don?t get your scarf in a twist.?

?It?s not a scarf!?
Ben hissed.

Until then, we had just sat quietly while the volley of verbal darts had been passed, but now we took the time to consider the piece of fabric wrapped around Ben?s neck. It was kinda bunched up like a forward hood, but it definitely had tails hanging from the back.

?Is it not?? Sam asked, mildly.

?It certainly seems very scarf-like,? was my helpful contribution.

When Ben got worked up, he turned into a tightly compacted ball of energy. He crossed his arms and rolled around in his seat, giving us all looks of death. The shuriken he had been toying with was now clenched firmly in his grip.

?Okay. Fine!? his words were short, clipped. He gestured sharply at the last slice of pizza. ?Want it? Take it.?

?Hallelujah,? Jordan gave a dramatic sigh of relief, reaching forward for the piece.

Faster than any eye could follow, Ben lashed out and stabbed the point of his shuriken directly through the back of Jordan?s palm, rooting his hand to the table.

Where any other human being would have screamed bloody murder at the object fully jabbed into their hand, Jordan simply paused, and stared at it minutely.

?Okay,? our bruiser said in his dangerously quiet voice. ?That?s just not nice.?

Jordan ripped the star from his palm and flung it away. I heard it clattering along the ground. Some patrons turned and looked at us with curious eyes.

?You think that?s funny?? Jordan sidestepped the table, coming around to where Ben sat, smirking. It was only then that I appreciated how scary Jordan really could be. ?You think that?s funny??

?A little, yeah!? Ben?s arms were still folded across his chest. His chin jutted out, proudly.

Jordan?s fists were balled. He loomed over Ben.

?I mean,? Ben?s voice was offhand, but his intentions were precise, hard-hitting, and cruel. ?It?s really all you?re good for.?

Jordan?s pupils dilated. He sucked in a breath of air, I saw his chest swell. He snatched Ben up by his hood, easily lifting the guy. His feet dangled off the ground.

?Say that again,? Jordan snarled.

Ben?s face was twisted up in pain, but that stupid smirk still remained.

?Say that again!?

?Jord, put him down!?

?I said--? Ben struggled to speak. His hands were scrabbing furiously at Jordan?s, trying to break his grip. ?--it?s all. You?re. Good for.?

Jordan gave his greatest bull roar, pivoted on a heel, and hurled Ben as hard as possible in a random direction.

We were familiar with the force of Jordan?s more aggravated throws. It was always amusing to watch bad guys spin away, but not when it was supposed to be a member of your team.

But Ben didn?t spin or flail in the air. He flew solidly straight back, but made a slight arc. We lost him over some buildings. He landed out of sight, but the thick sound of flesh on metal, a blaring car alarm, and a shriek all happened at once.

Jordan gave us no time to react. He pushed off of the ground, leaping from the rooftop to street level, running, chasing. He wanted Ben?s blood.

?That degenerated quickly,? was all Sam had to say, before whirling out his cape and disappearing into its black folds.

Kristen was out ahead first; she was lighter, faster. I hopped on a force field and flew towards the source of the noise.

(To be Continued .. )


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